Site Map
Below is an exhaustive sitemap of Procore's Support Centre.
- Procore Certification
- Procore Certification - Courses
- Procore Certification - FAQ
- Procore Certification - Release Notes
- Procore Certification - Tutorials
- Add Your Procore Certified Certificate to Your LinkedIn Profile
- Change Your Email Address in Procore Certification
- Change your Name in Procore Certification
- Download Certification Video Scripts
- Download Your Procore Certified Certificate
- Join the Procore Certified User Group on LinkedIn
- Log in to Procore Certification
- Continuing Education
- Customer Success
- Analytics 2.0 General FAQ
- What are App Management Metrics and how do I access them?
- Are accounting approvers notified when data is awaiting acceptance in the ERP Integrations tool?
- Are commitments private by default?
- Are granular permissions available in Portfolio Financials and Capital Planning?
- Are pending commitments automatically synced with integrated ERP systems?
- Are there any system limitations when projects have multiple main contracts?
- At what tier can an upstream collaborator approve a variation?
- Can a person be associated with multiple vendor/company records in the Company Level Directory Tool?
- Can a private correspondence be made public?
- Can tenderers submit their tender via email or must they sign in?
- Can I access Forms offline?
- Can I add personal avatars or profile photos for other users?
- Can I apply custom segments to my existing, non-WBS projects?
- Can I apply permissions templates to multiple users at one time?
- Can I attach a photo to a snag list item from my mobile device?
- Can I change a person's email address in the Directory?
- Can I change the language of my Company, Project or User in Procore?
- Can I change the language that Procore scans my drawings for?
- Can I change the name of a meeting?
- Can I change the selected vendor type after a company has been synced?
- Can I copy estimates from the Estimating tool to a new project?
- Can I copy files in the Documents tool to another project?
- Can I copy one project's Documents folders to a new project?
- Can I create a variation for a contract or funding before a downstream collaborator responds to an RFQ for a change event?
- Can I create a list of overdue Main Contract Variations (MCVs)?
- Can I create an RFI with a duplicate number?
- Can I customise the numbering system for financial objects in Procore?
- Can I customise the project type options in Portfolio Financials and Capital Planning?
- Can I delete a Sage 300 CRE cost code, cost type or vendor from Procore?
- Can I disable the Change Events tool?
- Can I edit my variation or payment application in Portfolio Financials?
- Can I edit or delete a commitment after its been synced with an integrated ERP system?
- Can I enable the Change Events tool on my existing project?
- Can I enforce required fields in a form?
- Can I export a correspondence if it is set to private?
- Can I export a Lookahead programme?
- Can I export data from the Conversations tool?
- Can I export Procore budget modifications to an integrated ERP system?
- Can I fill out a form on my mobile device?
- Can I fill out forms on the web version of Procore?
- Can I import a CSV into a Project Financials tool's bill of quantities if it has blank values?
- Can I import clashes and clash groups into the Coordination Issues tool?
- Can I include deducts in my tender submission in the Tender Room?
- Can I include required fields in a fillable PDF form?
- Can I include signature fields in my fillable PDFs?
- Can I integrate my LMS with Procore Certification?
- Can I limit the number of cost codes available to choose from when creating timesheet entries?
- Can I log into the Procore Web application directly if my company has implemented SSO?
- Can I make files and folders in the Documents tool private by default?
- Can I mark all photos 'Private' in the project's Photos tool?
- Can I prevent emails from being sent on the weekend?
- Can I print or export a copy of my tender in the Tender Room?
- Can I provide users with 'Read Only' level permissions with limited access to update information in Procore?
- Can I rearrange the order of site diary sections?
- Can I receive a daily activity summary for Portfolio Financials and Capital Planning?
- Can I receive weather delay alerts by phone or email?
- Can I remove a line item from a tender?
- Can I report on content in the Forms tool?
- Can I rotate a drawing in Procore?
- Can I search the contents of a fillable PDF?
- Can I send a tender update email to every vendor/subcontractor?
- Can I send correspondence after the tender due date?
- Can I set up multiple Favourites lists for my project tools to apply to different projects?
- Can I update the Percent Complete field on the Procore web application?
- Can I upload drawings with the same revision?
- Can I upload fillable PDFs that are password protected?
- Can I use Procore's mobile application in offline mode?
- Can I use the Procore Extracts application on a Mac?
- Can I watch Procore Certification and Continuing Education courses from my mobile device?
- Can multiple users work on estimates and takeoffs at the same time in the Estimating tool?
- Can the drawing markup tool be disabled?
- Can we import our third-party timecard entries to work with the 'Timesheet Hours' column in Procore's Budget tool?
- Common Questions about Apps and the Procore App Marketplace
- Do I need a DocuSign© account?
- Do I need to create a dedicated user account in Sage 300 CRE for the hh2 synchronisation client?
- Do I need to create Procore user accounts if our company implements SSO?
- Do I need to use cost codes on a tender form?
- Do meetings integrate with Microsoft Outlook Calendar?
- Do milestones in Portfolio Financials sync with my external project programme?
- Do Procore's SSO integrations support single or multiple domains?
- Do we have to create and send all our project emails with the Emails tool?
- Document Management: General FAQ
- Does a user need to log in to Procore to respond to an RFI?
- Does a payment application contact need an 'Invite to Bill' to submit a payment application?
- Does the DocuSign® integration have any file size limits on attachments or envelopes?
- Does the hh2 synchronization process for Sage 100 Contractor require a Terminal Server?
- Does the hh2 synchronization process for Sage 300 CRE require a Terminal Server?
- Does the master programme update when I make a change to a Lookahead programme?
- For which items in Procore should I make templates?
- How are Action Plans Item Statuses Updated
- How are businesses approved to be listed on the Procore Construction Network?
- How are duplicate companies handled between the Directory tool and Procore Construction Network?
- How are financial line items and budget codes updated across change objects?
- How are insights calculated?
- How are locked or restricted PDF files handled in the Document Management tool?
- How are PDFs uploaded to the Submittals tool affected by file restrictions?
- How are submittals numbered in Procore?
- How are task codes configured for time entry?
- How are templates created in Portfolio Financials?
- How are the date columns in submittal custom reports calculated?
- How are version numbers updated in the Company level Workflows tool?
- How can tenderers get locked out of a sealed Tender Room in Portfolio Financials?
- How can I add cost codes to a project synced with Yardi Voyager®
- How can I add custom tender form templates for the Tender Room in Portfolio Financials?
- How can I add custom Cost Tracker templates in Portfolio Financials?
- How can I add the '[Procore] Project Shutdown' inspection template to my Procore account?
- How can I budget individual values within a cost item in Portfolio Financials?
- How can I check who has permissions to see a specific correspondence?
- How can I check who has permissions to see a type of correspondence?
- How can I configure SSO in a sandbox environment for testing before implementing SSO in my Procore company account?
- How can I email a submittal so people can reply through email?
- How can I fix errors with PDF files in the Submittals tool?
- How can I grant a 'Limited' user access to a specific Tender Room in Portfolio Financials?
- How can I handle CM fees in Portfolio Financials?
- How can I improve the accuracy of data populated in the Document Management tool?
- How can I improve the accuracy of OCR on my drawings?
- How can I improve the accuracy of Specification Section Identification?
- How can I keep track of emailed drawings?
- How can I keep track of emailed specifications?
- How can I manually add a tender in Portfolio Financials?
- How can I monitor activity across all of my buildings in Portfolio Financials and Capital Planning?
- How can I request a folder template for Documents in my Portfolio Financials projects?
- How can I run a best and final round of tendering in Portfolio Financials?
- How can I see where my non-budgeted line items are coming from?
- How can I set up a tenant construction chargeback in the Cost Tracker?
- How can I share access to a Tender Room in Portfolio Financials?
- How can I share access to a Contract Room in Portfolio Financials?
- How can I tell if a Procore project is synced with an integrated ERP system?
- How can I tell if a Procore project's budget is synced with an integrated ERP system?
- How can I tell if I have a free or paid Procore company account?
- How can I troubleshoot an issue with the Procore Web Application?
- How can I unaward a tender or contract in Portfolio Financials?
- How can I upload large files to the Procore Web App?
- How can I use Procore's Hot Work Permit PDF in my project's Forms tool?
- How can I use Procore's Incidents tool to record Coronavirus (COVID-19) infection information?
- How can I use Procore's Job Hazard Analysis PDF in my project's Forms tool?
- How can I use Procore's Toolbox Talk Sign-In PDF in my project's Forms tool?
- How can I use tax codes on a Procore project?
- How can I use the '[NextWave Safety Solutions] Concrete Pre-Pour' inspection template on my project?
- How can I use the '[NextWave Safety Solutions] Ladder Safety - Simple Checklist' inspection template on my project?
- How can I use the '[OAC Management Inc.] Pre-Backfill Checklist' inspection template on my project?
- How can I use the '[OAC Management Inc.] Pre-Drywall Checklist' inspection template on my project?
- How can I use the '[OAC Management Inc.] Pre-Roofing Checklist' inspection template on my project?
- How can I use the '[OSHA] Daily Inspection of Trenches and Excavations' inspection template on my project?
- How can I use the '[OSHA] Lockout/Tagout Procedures' inspection template on my project?
- How can I use the '[OSHA] Materials Handling' inspection template on my project?
- How can I use the '[Procore] Equipment Pre-Operation Checklist' inspection template on my project?
- How can I use the '[Procore] Jobsite Cleanliness and Preparedness Checklist' inspection template on my project?
- How can I use the '[Procore] SWPPP - Construction Site Stormwater Checklist' inspection template on my project?
- How can I use the 'Site Safety Inspection' template on my project?
- How can I use wages in Resource Planning?
- How can I view a custom Training Centre?
- How can I view reports of a single log or a single person within a log?
- How can my company receive tender invitations through the Procore Construction Network?
- How do approval workflows get set up in Portfolio Financials?
- How do tender approvals work in Portfolio Financials?
- How do budget approvals work in Portfolio Financials?
- How do budget codes in an estimate create line items in a budget?
- How do Cash Flow Forecasts and Capital Plans interact in Portfolio Financials and Capital Planning?
- How do variation approvals work in Portfolio Financials?
- How do contract approvals work in Portfolio Financials?
- How do Cost Catalogue item types relate to cost types in Procore?
- How do I access an RFI as an assignee?
- How do I access my company's Training Centre?
- How do I add a Tender Board project to the Portfolio tool in Procore?
- How do I add a building to my account in Portfolio Financials?
- How do I add a new Sage 300 CRE cost code or cost type?
- How do I add additional contacts to a vendor profile in Portfolio Financials?
- How do I add an avatar or profile photo to Procore?
- How do I add tenderers in the new tender management experience?
- How do I add missing cost codes so I can migrate projects to the new tender management experience?
- How do I add people to the submittal workflow?
- How do I add 'Procore' as an endorsable skill on my LinkedIn profile?
- How do I add the 'Timesheet Hours' column to a budget view?
- How do I add tools to my Favourites list in Procore?
- How do I add unit-based line item details in Procore's budget import template?
- How do I adjust my budget view when the Client Contracts, Funding or Main Contracts tool is disabled in my company's Procore account?
- How do I adjust the Procore Standard Forecast View when the Client Contracts, Funding or Main Contracts tool is disabled?
- How do I allow 'Standard' users to add to the Project Directory?
- How do I apply markups from a previous revision to a new revision?
- How do I attach multiple files at once to a transmittal?
- How do I avoid and report phishing emails?
- How do I backfill a payment application from Yardi to Portfolio Financials?
- How do I bill for stored materials in a payment application? (Beta)
- How do I change a known password?
- How do I change my name or email address in Procore Certification?
- How do I change my web browser's default email client for mailto links?
- How do I change the 'Responsible Contractor' field on a submittal?
- How do I check what Procore tools are included with my Procore account?
- How do I choose a Default Snag Item Manager for my project?
- How do I complete tasks in Procore that I used to complete in the standalone Procore Estimating application?
- How do I configure my web browser to allow popups from Procore?
- How do I configure privacy settings for a correspondence item?
- How do I configure user permissions for multi-tier approvals with timekeeping?
- How do I control which emails are sent by Procore during the RFI process?
- How do I control which emails are sent by Procore from the Snag List tool?
- How do I create a billing period for a payment application?
- How do I create a bookmark to Procore?
- How do I create a desktop shortcut to Procore?
- How do I create a fillable PDF?
- How do I create or join a Zoom meeting in Procore?
- How do I customise submittal responses?
- How do I delete line items in approved variations?
- How do I determine the latitude and longitude values of an address?
- How do I determine whether a snag list item has been sent?
- How do I disable Quick Capture for iOS?
- How do I display a list of project dates on the Home page?
- How do I download the Google Chrome browser?
- How do I download the Mozilla Firefox browser?
- How do I download Procore's Android mobile application?
- How do I edit a project programme in Procore?
- How do I edit an initial award amount for a contract in Portfolio Financials?
- How do I enable additional workforce labour types for the Site Diary?
- How do I enable Cost Allocations and Components for a Portfolio Financials project?
- How do I enable retention for a contract in Portfolio Financials?
- How do I enable the DocuSign® Integration?
- How do I ensure that Procore emails reach the recipients?
- How do I enter a credit payment application in Portfolio Financials?
- How do I enter budgeted projects for the year in Portfolio Financials and Capital Planning?
- How do I export a project budget from Procore to Sage 300 CRE?
- How do I export cost forecast data from a Procore budget to CMiC
- How do I export cost forecast data from a Procore budget to ERP
- How do I filter items by multi-tiered locations?
- How do I filter out 'Recycled' items from a custom RFIs report?
- How do I find the company ID?
- How do I find the project ID?
- How do I get a DocuSign® account?
- How do I get started with Procore Analytics?
- How do I get the latest version of Safari for Mac OS X?
- How do I get the percent complete updated in the native programme file?
- How do I give users access to the Prequalifications tool?
- How do I know if an RFI that I posted in the Tender Room has been answered?
- How do I know if my DocuSign account is synced with Procore?
- How do I know if someone has downloaded a file?
- How do I locate an archived project in Portfolio Financials and Capital Planning?
- How do I log in to Portfolio Financials and Capital Planning?
- How do I log in to Procore's Support site?
- How do I log into Procore using Microsoft Azure AD (Entra ID) SSO?
- How do I look at the Site Diary for multiple days?
- How do I make my snag list items private by default?
- How do I mark an assignee as a required responder on an RFI?
- How do I navigate to a Tender Room in Portfolio Financials?
- How do I opt in to the beta for Procore Conversations?
- How do I perform a hard refresh in my web browser?
- How do I post an idea for Procore?
- How do I preserve cost code formatting in Excel?
- How do I prevent duplicate projects when syncing data with Resource Planning?
- How do I prevent or allow overbilling on a subcontractor payment application?
- How do I rate a page and send feedback?
- How do I remove a submitter or approver from a submittal workflow while the approval process is in progress?
- How do I request access to a custom Training Centre?
- How do I revoke project access for a Procore user?
- How do I run a sealed tender process in Portfolio Financials?
- How do I set and release retention on a subcontractor payment application in Procore?
- How do I set the accounting method for a contract or funding?
- How do I set the accounting method for tenders?
- How do I set up a budget view for real-time labour productivity?
- How do I set up my account in Resource Planning?
- How do I set up permissions for a correspondence type?
- How do I configure Procore for Okta SSO (SAML 2.0)?
- How do I set up Single Sign-On (SSO) with Procore?
- How do I set up the 'Procore Labour Productivity Cost' budget view?
- How do I set up the subcontractor payment applications and payments feature for Procore + QuickBooks?
- How do I share feedback with Procore?
- How do I show previous minutes on a Meeting PDF?
- How do I sign-up for Procore Certification if I do not have Procore login credentials?
- How do I stop a meeting item from carrying over to a follow-up meeting?
- How do I submit a response to a 'Draft' RFI when I am the RFI Manager?
- How do I submit a Subcontractor Bill of Quantities for a Procore commitment?
- How do I submit variations and payment applications in Portfolio Financials?
- How do I switch between Portfolio Financials and Project Management toolkits in Procore?
- How do I sync my Main Contract with Acumatica or MYOB Advanced Construction?
- How do I track non-commitment costs on a change event?
- How do I track the actual materials received and installed on a job site?
- How do I update an expiring x509 certificate in my company's Procore SSO configuration settings?
- How do I use Tags/Keywords in Procore?
- How do I use tags with expiration dates in Resource Planning?
- How do I use the navigation bar to go back to the Company Portfolio?
- How do I use the notification centre?
- How do I verify an Australian Business Number (ABN)?
- How do I view incomplete certification or continuing education lessons?
- How do I view resource allocation percentage?
- How do integrations with Procore access my company's data?
- How do payment application approvals work in Portfolio Financials?
- How do items in Procore appear on the map?
- How do my project-specific 'Cost Code' segment items get carried over from a project template to a new project?
- How do notifications work for the Conversations tool in Procore?
- How do permissions work for Analytics 2.0?
- How do permissions work for free Procore accounts?
- How do permissions work for the Conversations tool?
- How do permissions work in the Document Management tool?
- How do the Change Events tool's column display settings work?
- How does data entry differ between snag items created with manual input and snag items created with Quick Capture?
- How does hh2 connect to the Sage 300 CRE server?
- How does Procore Analytics store dates?
- How does Procore assign numbers to RFIs?
- How does Procore automatically complete amounts on an owner payment application? (Beta)
- How does Procore automatically complete amounts on an upstream payment application? (Legacy)
- How does Procore calculate a payment application's 'Current Payment Due' amount?
- How does Procore calculate the Over/Under value in Change Events?
- How does Procore decide which document version is the latest in the Document Management tool?
- How does someone become a 'Follower' of a conversation in Procore?
- How does the 'Actuals By Date' filter work on a budget view?
- What is the Budget Forecast Report?
- How does the hh2 synchronization client connect Procore to Sage 100 Contractor?
- How does the hh2 synchronization client transmit data?
- How does the Integration by Ryvit connect Procore with Viewpoint® Vista™?
- How does the Office 365 integration in Procore's Documents Tool work?
- How does the Snag List Workflow affect my existing snag list items?
- How does the Transport Layer Security v1.2 requirement impact users?
- How does the X.509 certificate upgrade impact users?
- How is security handled with third-party applications?
- How long does it take to extract data from Procore?
- How often can I sync data between Procore and Viewpoint® Spectrum®?
- How often can I sync data between Sage 100 Contractor and Procore?
- How often can I sync data between Sage 300 CRE and Procore?
- How often can I sync data using the Integration by Ryvit?
- How do I select which Viewpoint® Spectrum® jobs appear in the Select a Job Template list of the ERP Integrations tool?
- How do I resolve the "A commitment with code already exists" Error when Exporting to ERP
- How do I resolve the "This export cannot be completed because the number of line items in QuickBooks does not match up with the number in Procore" error when exporting to ERP?
- How do I resolve a "The Import operation took longer than the set timeout" error when exporting to ERP?
- How Do I Resolve the "There was an error adding, modifying or deleting XXXXXX-XXXXXXXXXXX because it is already in use." Error when Exporting to ERP
- How will configured fieldsets affect my existing projects?
- How will I know when my payment application or variation is approved or rejected in Portfolio Financials?
- How will my previous Timecard entries work with Timesheets?
- I thought I added a user, but now I can't find that person. What happened?
- If a user doesn’t have permissions to view a specific correspondence type, can they see that correspondence type in their Project Overview dashboard?
- Inspection Requirements: General FAQ
- Is there a minimum passing score for Procore Certification quizzes?
- Is there a way to bulk replace an approver, submitter or reviewer on a project's submittals?
- Is there a way to see all the open items in Procore assigned to me?
- The 'plug' icon was removed, how do I navigate to the Marketplace?
- Should I enable the Specifications tool on my project?
- Should I integrate my Microsoft Project Programme in Procore's web application or Procore Drive?
- Should I update my Budget View to add RFQ values to the budget?
- Why can't I log in to Procore?
- What's the difference between a job, a parent job and a sub job?
- What activity metrics can I see for companies listed on the Procore Construction Network?
- What additional user permissions are required to access reportable data with 360 reporting?
- What are App Configurations and how do I work with them?
- What are Approvals in Portfolio Financials?
- What are 'Available Regions' on Marketplace Apps?
- What are best practices for using multiple (phased) budget uploads?
- What are configurable fieldsets and which Procore tools support them?
- What are Cost Allocations and Components in Portfolio Financials?
- What are 'cost types' and how does our ERP integration support them?
- What are custom fields and which Procore tools support them?
- What are custom project roles?
- What are custom sections and which Procore tools support them?
- What are Drawing Areas?
- What are dynamic approver due dates?
- What are meeting minutes?
- What are Milestone Dependencies in Portfolio Financials and how do I set them?
- What are multi-tiered locations?
- What are permissions in Procore and how do they work?
- What are Procore's default change types and change reasons?
- What are Procore's default cost codes?
- What are Procore's default cost types?
- What are Procore's Product Categories?
- What are Procore's standard budget views?
- What are 'production quantities'?
- What are "related items" in Procore?
- What are role-based permissions?
- What are segments and segment items?
- What are some best practices for Reporting in Portfolio Financials and Capital Planning?
- What are some examples of reports I can generate in Portfolio Financials and Capital Planning?
- What are specifications?
- What are Super Private correspondence types?
- What are the blue icons in my drawings log?
- What are the budget warning banner changes?
- What are the column header updates in the import templates?
- What are the data points available for custom reports in Portfolio Financials and Capital Planning?
- What are the data points for Capital Plans in Portfolio Financials and Capital Planning?
- What are the default action plan verification methods?
- What are the default columns in the Contracts tab of the Commitments tool?
- What are the default columns in the Main Contracts tool?
- What are the default commitment statuses in Procore?
- What are the default fieldset configurations for Procore's 'Addendum' template correspondence type?
- What are the default fieldset configurations for Procore's 'Bulletin' template correspondence type?
- What are the default fieldset configurations for Procore's 'Change Request' template correspondence type?
- What are the default fieldset configurations for Procore's 'Client Instruction' template correspondence type?
- What are the default fieldset configurations for Procore's 'Constraints' template correspondence type?
- What are the default fieldset configurations for Procore's 'Early Warning Notice' template correspondence type?
- What are the default fieldset configurations for Procore's 'Extension of Time' template correspondence type?
- What are the default fieldset configurations for Procore's 'General Correspondence' template correspondence type?
- What are the default fieldset configurations for Procore's 'Lessons Learned' template correspondence type?
- What are the default fieldset configurations for Procore's 'Letters of Intent' template correspondence type?
- What are the default fieldset configurations for Procore's 'Letters' template correspondence type?
- What are the default fieldset configurations for Procore's 'Material Request' template correspondence type?
- What are the default fieldset configurations for Procore's 'Mitigation Plan' template correspondence type?
- What are the default fieldset configurations for Procore's 'Notice of Delay' template correspondence type?
- What are the default fieldset configurations for Procore's 'Notice to Proceed' template correspondence type?
- What are the default fieldset configurations for Procore's 'Notification of Backcharge' template correspondence type?
- What are the default fieldset configurations for Procore's 'Permit Request' template correspondence type?
- What are the default fieldset configurations for Procore's 'Project Request' template correspondence type?
- What are the default fieldset configurations for Procore's 'Risk Identification' template correspondence type?
- What are the default fieldset configurations for Procore's 'Site Instruction' template correspondence type?
- What are the default fieldset configurations for Procore's template correspondence types?
- What are the default fieldset configurations for Procore's 'Transmittal' template correspondence type?
- What are the default observation types used for?
- What are the default permission levels in Procore?
- What are the default project permissions templates in Procore?
- What are the default project stages in Procore?
- What are the default 'Scope' options for change events in Procore?
- What are the default statuses for change events in Procore?
- What are the default statuses for variations in Procore?
- What are the default statuses for insurance in Procore?
- What are the default statuses for Procore payment applications?
- What are the default statuses for Daywork Sheets?
- What are the default submittal responses in Procore?
- What are the default submittal statuses in Procore?
- What are the differences between Legacy and Self-Serve Workflows?
- What are the differences between Procore's time modules?
- What are the different variation tier settings in Project Financials?
- What are the different fields in the Document Management tool?
- What are the different permission levels for team members in Portfolio Financials?
- What are the different RFQ statuses and how do they affect cost and variation amounts?
- What are the different roles Associated With Workflows?
- What are the different types of payment applications in Procore?
- What are the different types of steps in a workflow?
- What are the different 'user roles' in Procore Estimating?
- What are the DocuSign® fields and can I customise them?
- What are the financial line items in 360 Reporting?
- What are the requirements for importing BOQ Line Items from CSV?
- What are the threshold values for the Portfolio tool's Health Dashboard?
- What are the Timesheets tool's default statuses for time entries?
- What are the user roles in the Submittals tool?
- What are Touch Commands?
- What are Uncategorised Payment applications in Portfolio Financials?
- What changes when companies upgrade to paid accounts?
- What custom segments should we create for our company's Work Breakdown Structure?
- What data can Procore automatically populate when uploading files to the Document Management tool?
- What data is synced between Procore and Sage 100 Contractor?
- What data is synced between Sage 300 CRE® and Procore?
- What data is synced with the Integration by Ryvit connector?
- What do tenderers see when they are in the Tender Room?
- What do I do when a commitment fails to export from the ERP Integrations tool?
- What do I need to know about the Procore Analytics 1.0 deprecation?
- What do I need to know about Resource Planning's authentication update?
- What do the arrows mean on the Project Comparison tab of Portfolio Financials and Capital Planning?
- What do the dates in the project's Admin tool mean?
- What do the different DocuSign® banners in Procore mean?
- What do the different statuses mean on Procore's feedback forum?
- What do the ERP icons mean?
- What do the snag item colour codes on a drawing mean?
- What do we need to consider before allowing downstream collaborators to submit payment applications in Procore?
- What does each column in the 'Submittals Log' represent?
- What does each permission level mean?
- What does 'Hide Tendering Info' mean for someone on the Tender Room Team?
- What does it mean when my DocuSign account is 'synced' with my Procore account and how do I sync it?
- What does the "Search" box in the Photos tool search for?
- What email notifications are sent for Approval Workflows in Portfolio Financials?
- What emails are sent during the tendering process in Portfolio Financials?
- What encryption standard does Procore use to protect user data?
- What field types are available for Custom Fields in Procore Tools?
- What fields are in an estimate and how are they calculated?
- What fields are searched in the Directory tool?
- What fieldset configurations are recommended for configurable fieldsets?
- What file types and formats are supported in the Unified Attachment Viewer?
- What file types are supported for the 3D model viewer in the Documents tool?
- What file types does the Forms tool support?
- What gets copied over to a new project from a project template?
- What granular permissions are available for Commitments Workflows?
- What granular permissions are available for Document Management Workflows?
- What granular permissions are available for the Company level Directory tool?
- What granular permissions are available for the company's Tender Board tool?
- What granular permissions are available for the company's Resource Planning tool?
- What granular permissions are available for the Project level Admin tool?
- What granular permissions are available for the Project level Directory tool?
- What granular permissions are available for the Project level Documents tool?
- What granular permissions are available for the Project level Inspections tool?
- What granular permissions are available for the Project level Programme tool?
- What granular permissions are available for the Project level Timesheets tool?
- What granular permissions are available for the project's Action Plans tool?
- What granular permissions are available for the project's Tendering tool?
- What granular permissions are available for the project's Budget tool?
- What granular permissions are available for the project's Variations tool?
- What granular permissions are available for the project's Client Contracts tool?
- What granular permissions are available for the project's Commitments tool?
- What granular permissions are available for the project's Correspondence tool?
- What granular permissions are available for the project's Site Diary tool?
- What granular permissions are available for the project's Direct Costs tool?
- What granular permissions are available for the project's Drawings tool?
- What granular permissions are available for the project's Funding tool?
- What granular permissions are available for the project's Meetings tool?
- What granular permissions are available for the project's Observations tool?
- What granular permissions are available for the project's Photos tool?
- What granular permissions are available for the project's Main Contracts tool?
- What granular permissions are available for the project's Snag List tool?
- What granular permissions are available for the project's RFIs tool?
- What granular permissions are available for the project's Submittals tool?
- What granular permissions are available for the project's Transmittals tool?
- What happens if I have duplicate company records in Procore's Company Directory?
- What happens to existing submittals when 'Dynamic Approver Due Dates' is enabled?
- What happens when companies and users are added from the Procore Construction Network to the Company Directory?
- What happens when I import a Document Management file into the Drawings tool?
- What happens when I share a report with another Procore user?
- What happens when I update a project to the new tender management experience?
- What happens when 'Restrict Non-draft edits to Contracts and Variations' and 'Enable Always Editable Bill of Quantities' are both enabled?
- What if my specification sections or divisions start in the middle of a page?
- What information is searchable using Procore Search?
- What is a budget code in Procore's WBS?
- What is a budget code structure in Procore's WBS?
- What is a change event?
- What is a variation?
- What is a Collection in the Document Management tool?
- What is a company admin?
- What is a 'Completed Action Plan Receiver'?
- What is a construction project's programme?
- What is a 'contact' in Procore and which project tools support the concept?
- What is a site diary?
- What is an downstream collaborator?
- What is a 'Draft' RFI?
- What is a 'Draft' submittal?
- What is a Drawing Set?
- What is a fillable PDF?
- What is a naming standard in the Document Management tool?
- What is a partial budget line item?
- What is a permissions template?
- What is a 'Plan Manager' in an action plan?
- What is a 'private' timecard and which timecards can be set to private?
- What is a project administrator?
- What is a Project Template?
- What is a snag list?
- What is a Resource Allocation Type?
- What is a 'sensitive field' in Resource Planning?
- What is a Service Account?
- What is an 'Instruction' or 'Site Instruction'?
- What is a specification set?
- What is a Subcontractor Bill of Quantities?
- What is a submittal?
- What is a submittal package?
- What is a submittal revision?
- What is a Test Project?
- What is a Daywork Sheet?
- What is a Training Centre?
- What is a transmittal in Procore?
- What is an 'Action Plan Approver'?
- What is an advanced search symbol in Procore?
- What is an assignable permissions template?
- What is an assignment alert in Resource Planning?
- What is an example use case for Project Comparison in Portfolio Financials and Capital Planning?
- What is an incident?
- What is a payment application administrator?
- What is a payment application contact?
- What is an RFI?
- What is an upstream collaborator?
- What is App Management?
- What is Asta Powerproject and how does it integrate with Procore?
- What is blind tendering?
- What is 'Blocking Functionality' in an action plan?
- What is Bluebeam Studio?
- What is Capital Planning?
- What is conditional logic within the Inspections tool?
- What is data syncing for Resource Planning?
- What is a Developer Managed Service Account?
- What is in the emails sent from Procore?
- What is maintenance?
- What is phishing?
- What is Portfolio Financials?
- What is Primavera P6 and how does it integrate with Procore?
- What is Procore BIM?
- What is Procore Community?
- What is Procore's availability?
- What is Procore's data backup strategy?
- What is Procore's Recycle Bin?
- What is Procore's unavailability?
- What is Project Cost Reporting in Portfolio Financials?
- What is Single Sign-On (SSO)?
- What is sliding scale retention?
- What is the accounting approver role?
- What is the 'Adjustments' section on a tender form in the Tender Room?
- What is the Tender Room in Portfolio Financials?
- What is the 'Budget ROM' column in Procore's Budget tool?
- What is the 'Code' field on the project creation page?
- What is the construction tendering process?
- What is the Contract Room in Portfolio Financials?
- What is the Correspondence tool?
- What is the Date Notified field in my Snag List?
- What is the default behaviour for playing certification videos on certain browsers?
- What is the difference between 'Baseline' and 'Forecast or Actual' dates for milestones in Portfolio Financials?
- What is the difference between a budget code and a task code?
- What is the difference between a catalog, category and item in the Cost Catalog for Estimating?
- What is the difference between a claimed and unclaimed business on the Procore Construction Network?
- What is the difference between a default and custom segment in Procore's WBS?
- What is the difference between a distribution group and distribution list in Procore?
- What is the difference between a flat and tiered segment in Procore's WBS?
- What is the difference between a labour productivity budget view and field production report?
- What is the difference between a submitter and approver in submittals?
- What is the difference between accepting a Procore Invitation and creating a Free Procore Company Account?
- What is the difference between copy and duplicate with drawing markups?
- What is the difference between custom fields and configurable fieldsets?
- What is the difference between Document Management attachments and attachments from other tools?
- What is the difference between horizontal and vertical financial markup?
- What is the difference between personal and published drawing markups?
- What is the difference between raster and vector content in PDFs?
- What is the difference between 'Resource Tracking' and 'Resource Management'?
- What is the difference between SP- and IdP-Initiated SSO?
- What is the difference between the 'Documents' and 'Document Management' tools in Procore?
- What is the difference between viewing Procore Analytics reports in the embedded app and in the Power BI service?
- What is the difference between the old and new tender management experience in the Tendering tool?
- What is the 'Enable Always Editable Bill of Quantities' setting?
- What is the "File Rename Information" file included with my extracted project data?
- What is the Resource Planning/LaborChart App?
- What is the maximum character length for a commitment's 'Title'?
- What is the maximum character length for a commitment's 'Number (#)'?
- What is the maximum character length for a 'Company Name' in the Directory tool?
- What is the Monthly Sandbox Environment?
- What is the 'My Tasks' page in Portfolio Financials and Capital Planning?
- What is the Procore Analytics Risk Report?
- What is the Procore Construction Network?
- What is a Procore plugin and what is it used for?
- What is the Project Page in Portfolio Financials and Capital Planning?
- What is the Project Team in Portfolio Financials and what are the varying permission levels?
- What is the Snag List Workflow?
- What is the 'resource bench' in Resource Planning?
- What is the RFI Manager role?
- What is the 'Programmes' folder in the Documents tool and why can't I delete it?
- What is the Security and Trust Self-Certified Badge on an app in Procore's App Marketplace?
- What is the 'Send to Accounts Payable' feature in Portfolio Financials?
- What is the 'Submittal Manager' role?
- What is the unpublished status on drawings?
- What is the Workforce Planning/LaborChart Web Application?
- What is Work Breakdown Structure (WBS)?
- What items can be added to a message in the Conversations tool?
- What languages are available in Procore?
- What languages can be automatically translated in the Conversations tool?
- What makes a company appear higher in search results for the Procore Construction Network?
- What messages and alerts can people respond to in Resource Planning?
- What options are available for the Gantt chart view in the Project level Programme tool?
- What options do I have for numbering RFIs in Procore?
- What people information is synced between Resource Planning and the Procore Company Directory?
- What permissions do tenderers need in order to be invited to tender and submit a tender?
- What permissions do I need to add users to a Procore project?
- What project information is synced between Resource Planning and Procore Projects?
- What report templates are available in the 360 Reporting tools?
- What settings are available for project tools in Procore?
- What should I do if a model is too large to view in Procore's web application?
- What should I do if I forgot my password for Portfolio Financials?
- What should I do if my model file is too large to process in the Documents tool?
- What should I know about Approval Workflows in Portfolio Financials?
- What should I know about tendering in Portfolio Financials?
- What should I know about variations in Portfolio Financials?
- What should I know about claiming a business on the Procore Construction Network?
- What should I know about invoicing in Portfolio Financials?
- What should I know about the Contract Room in Portfolio Financials?
- What source columns are available in custom budget views?
- What standard trades are available in Procore?
- What do I need to know about the Vapid API deprecation?
- What tool names and terms are different in Procore for main contractors, owners and speciality contractors?
- What tools are supported by Maps in Procore?
- What tools can you use on mobile for inactive projects?
- What type of device is recommended for viewing models in the Models tool?
- What type of mobile device should I use for Procore?
- What types of correspondences can be created with the Correspondence tool?
- What values pull into a variation BOQ from a change event?
- What visibility settings are available for Procore Maps?
- What's the difference between adding an assignee to a RFI and forwarding an RFI for review?
- What's the difference between Procore's user import and vendor/company import templates?
- What’s the difference between sequential and parallel approval in the submittal workflow?
- What email notifications are sent from workflows?
- When does an action plan shift to 'Edit' or 'View' mode?
- When does my user session expire on Procore's Support site?
- When does Procore send email notifications to payment application contacts?
- When does the RFIs tool send email notifications?
- When does the Tasks tool send email notifications?
- When is a submittal attachment labelled as 'Current' in the 'Submittal Workflow' table?
- When updating the Work Log section, why can't I see any names in my resource list?
- When will I receive emails about the project I'm tendering on in Portfolio Financials?
- Where and how does Procore store customer information?
- Where can I find the email address to send site diaries, photos, documents and emails to Procore?
- Where can I sign up for free public trainings?
- Where did Quality and Safety go in Procore?
- Where did the numbered templates on the Timesheets and My Time tool Fieldsets come from?
- Where do I put my tender documents in Procore?
- Where do the selections in the 'Specification Section' drop-down list come from?
- Where is the 'Division' in the 'Cost Code' segment in Procore's WBS?
- Where is the Procore Certification course that I'm looking for?
- Which Asta Powerproject file formats are supported by Procore?
- Which budget views should I add to my Procore projects?
- Which calculation method should I choose when using the Forecast to Complete feature?
- Which cost code formats are supported by my ERP Integration?
- Which data columns are in a Field Production Report?
- Which data columns can I add to a custom Submittals report?
- Which domains do we add to our network's 'Allowed List' to ensure access to Procore?
- Which emails are affected by the updated inbound email communication settings in Procore?
- Which fields can Procore automatically populate when uploading drawings?
- Which fields can Procore automatically populate when uploading specifications?
- Which fields in the Action Plans tool can be configured as required, optional or hidden?
- Which fields in the Change Events tool can be configured as required, optional or hidden?
- Which fields in the Commitments tool can be configured as required, optional or hidden?
- Which fields in the Co-ordination Issues Tool can be configured as required, optional or hidden?
- Which fields in the Correspondence tool can be configured as required, optional or hidden?
- Which fields in the Site Diary tool can be configured as required, optional or hidden?
- Which fields in the Directory tool can be configured as required, optional or hidden?
- Which fields in the Documents tool can be configured as required, optional or hidden?
- Which fields in the Drawings tool can be configured as required, optional or hidden?
- Which fields in the Incidents tool can be configured as required, optional or hidden?
- Which fields in the Inspections tool can be configured as required, optional or hidden?
- Which fields in the Payment applications or Progress Billings tools can be configured as required, optional or hidden?
- Which fields in the My Time tool can be configured as required, optional or hidden?
- Which fields in the Observations tool can be configured as required, optional or hidden?
- Which fields in the Main Contracts tool can be configured as required, optional or hidden?
- Which fields in the Snag List tool can be configured as required, optional or hidden?
- Which fields in the RFIs tool can be configured as required, optional or hidden?
- Which fields in the Specifications tool can be configured as required, optional or hidden?
- Which fields in the Submittals tool can be configured as required, optional or hidden?
- Which fields in the Timesheets tool can be configured as required, optional or hidden?
- Which fields in the Daywork Sheets tool can be configured as required, optional or hidden?
- Which fields on the create or update project page can be configured as required, optional or hidden?
- Which file formats are supported when exporting a project's submittals?
- Which filters are supported in the Portfolio tool's views?
- Which filters can I apply to the Change Events tool?
- Which Groundbreak 2021 Sessions Qualified for CE credit?
- Which insurance fields in a Procore company sync with Sage 300 CRE vendors?
- Which integrated ERP systems support the 'cost type' concept?
- Which integrated ERP systems support the 'Sub Job' concept?
- Which logos appear on PDF exports in Procore?
- Which Microsoft Excel file versions can be attached to items in Procore?
- Which main contract and MCV fields are synced with Procore and Viewpoint Spectrum?
- Which Procore platforms support Azure AD (Entra ID) SSO?
- Which Procore project tools support the DocuSign® integration?
- Which Procore project tools update data in the Field Production Report?
- Which Procore tools can I use to add production quantities to my project's budget?
- Which Procore tools can I use to create a change event?
- Which Procore tools let me view digital image attachments in a map view?
- Which Procore tools support 'Classifications'?
- Which Procore tools support granular permissions?
- Which Procore tools support Work Breakdown Structure?
- Which Procore tools support Workflows?
- Which project tools support Conversations?
- Which setting do I enable in QuickBooks® to export payment applications with the ERP Integrations tool?
- Which settings are available in Procore?
- Which SSO identity providers are supported by Procore?
- Which tools can attach Document Management files?
- Which tools can I extract project data from using the Procore Extracts application?
- Which tools currently support the Bookmarks feature on the Procore mobile app?
- Which units of measure are included on Procore's master list?
- Which versions of Microsoft Project does Procore support?
- Which weather providers are supported by Procore?
- Which web browsers are supported by Procore?
- Who can be designated as an 'Assignee' on an RFI?
- Who can I assign a task to?
- Who can see private Action Plans?
- Who can see users listed in a Project Directory?
- Who can view a 'Draft' RFI?
- Who can view tenders within a free Procore account?
- Who gets notifications from observations?
- Who receives a notification for updates in the Drawings tool?
- Who receives a notification when an item is rejected from ERP?
- Who receives an email when a submittal is created or updated?
- Who receives correspondence item emails and push notifications?
- Who receives emails about coordination issues?
- Who receives notification emails when a vendor's insurance expires?
- Who receives notifications about project connections?
- Why am I getting an error when downloading Procore Drive?
- Why am I getting the error "Missing authentication cookie" when viewing certification lessons?
- Why am I having problems playing training videos?
- Why am I not receiving emails from Portfolio Financials and Capital Planning?
- Why am I not seeing all of my projects in the Conversations tool?
- Why am I not seeing all of my viewpoints in the viewpoints import tool?
- Why am I not seeing my issues after I associate the file to my project?
- Why am I receiving an error message in the Procore Imports app?
- Why am I receiving emails from Procore?
- Why am I receiving Procore emails at night?
- Why am I receiving the error 'No user found with the given email address' when logging in with SSO?
- Why am I unable to download and open a .ZIP file from Procore?
- Why am I unable to log in to the Procore Certification site?
- Why am I unable to assign users to a RFQ?
- Why are automatic drawing sheet links missing?
- Why are my variation line items duplicated on my subcontractor payment application?
- Why are my courses not showing up in my Procore Certification profile?
- Why are my drawing comparisons failing?
- Why are my drawing uploads failing?
- Why are my file uploads failing?
- Why are my specification uploads failing?
- Why are my training courses missing?
- Why are recent changes to my Sage database missing in Procore?
- Why are some of my sub folders in my [Tender Documents] folder not showing up when my tenderers download them?
- Why are the weather conditions not showing on my Site Diary weather log?
- Why are viewpoints being created after I use the markup tools?
- Why aren't my grids aligned in the Models tool?
- Why can I access the Main Contracts tool if I can't view the main contract?
- Why can I view the Commitments tool but cannot see any commitments?
- Why can't I add Procore tools to my Favourites list?
- Why can't I change the weather delay or any of the boxes on that row?
- Why can't I create a variation?
- Why can't I create a follow-up meeting in the Meetings tool?
- Why can't I create or activate Procore projects?
- Why can't I create WBS custom segments?
- Why can’t I deactivate a Cost Type, Cost Code or Sub Job in WBS?
- Why can't I delete certain saved views in the Document Management tool?
- Why can't I delete items in Procore?
- Why can't I edit or delete an 'Approved' variation?
- Why can't I expand the 'Awarded Value' row in Portfolio Financials and Capital Planning?
- Why can't I export an item from Portfolio Financials and Capital Planning?
- Why can't I log in to my Certification Analytics Dashboard?
- Why can't I log in to Portfolio Financials and Capital Planning?
- Why can't I receive email from Procore?
- Why can't I see all of my Favourite tools on a project?
- Why can't I see one of my users in Certification Analytics?
- Why can't I see the Accept/Reject options in the ERP Integrations tool?
- Why can't I see the Tender Room in Portfolio Financials?
- Why can't I see the Contract Room in Portfolio Financials?
- Why can't I see the Favourites tab in My Profile Settings?
- Why can't I see the Sync or Refresh buttons in the ERP Integrations tool?
- Why can't I turn off certain document 'Types' for the Document Management tool?
- Why can't I turn OFF the 'Action Required' emails sent from the Submittals tool?
- Why can't I update my Procore App? (iOS)
- Why can’t I use the cloud redline tool in Navisworks®?
- Why can't my team member see a project in Portfolio Financials and Capital Planning?
- Why can't my vendor access the Tender Room in Portfolio Financials?
- Why did Procore switch from to
- Why didn't I receive an email notification from a submittal?
- Why do I need to log in to Procore's Support site?
- Why do I not have permission to view this web page?
- Why do I see an error when trying to export data to Sage 300 CRE?
- Why do I see people in Workforce Planning, but not Procore?
- Why do some of our project's RFI numbers have two prefixes?
- Why does Procore stop supporting older versions of iOS and Android?
- Why don't I have permission to view the Resource Planning tool?
- What does beta mean?
- Why is it valuable to have 'Procore' as an endorsable skill on my LinkedIn profile?
- Why is my tender package missing from the Planroom?
- Why is my Certification Analytics page blank?
- Why is the Financial Health section of the Health Dashboard not configured?
- Why is my form template not loading?
- Why is the 'My Open Items' list not showing tasks that have been assigned to me?
- Why is my Procore Certified Certificate missing?
- Why is my Procore project missing from the ERP Integrations tool?
- Why is my Sage 300 CRE data not syncing?
- Why is the Add Visual button unavailable on a single tool report?
- Why is the delete button dimmed and not available in the Programme tool of Procore Drive?
- Why is the percentage complete less than 100% for a Procore Certification course?
- Why is the Procore Drive desktop shortcut not working?
- Why is the Send to ERP button dimmed and not available in the Project Creation Assistant?
- Why isn't my model showing when viewing models in Procore?
- Why isn't my project weather working?
- Why isn't the 'Job to Date Costs' column in the budget matching our subcontractor payment application amounts?
- Why isn't the project's budget view reflecting labour costs and production quantities from timecard entries?
- Why was the "Procore Fundamentals" training course deprecated?
- Why were the "Deep-Dive Training" courses deprecated?
- Why were the Tool Configuration, User Usage and Data Quality report pages moved?
- Why won't the Resource Planning tool load?
- Why would the file size of a model increase in Procore?
- Will dates from a Tender Room be added to the project's milestones in Portfolio Financials?
- Will Procore convert my non-fillable PDF to a fillable PDF?
- Getting Started with Procore
- Procore Learning Paths
- Procore Mobile (Android)
- Procore Android App - Getting Started
- Procore Android App - User Guide
- Announcements (Android)
- Camera (Android)
- Change Events (Android)
- Commitments (Android)
- Commitments - Tutorials (Android)
- Create a Purchase Order (Android)
- Edit a Commitment's Bill of Quantities (Android)
- Edit a Purchase Order (Android)
- Search Commitments (Android)
- View a Commitment's Bill of Quantities (BOQ) (Android)
- View Variations (Android)
- View Inclusions and Exclusions for Subcontracts (Android)
- View Purchase Orders and Subcontracts (Android)
- Commitments - User Permissions (Android)
- Commitments - Videos (Android)
- Commitments - Tutorials (Android)
- Correspondence (Android)
- Crews (Android)
- Daywork Sheets (Android)
- Daywork Sheets - Tutorials (Android)
- Create a Daywork Sheet (Android)
- Create Equipment from a Daywork Sheet (Android)
- Edit a Daywork Sheet (Android)
- Email a Daywork Sheet (Android)
- Import a Timecard into a Daywork Sheet (Android)
- Request a Signature on a Daywork Sheet (Android)
- Search and Filter Daywork Sheets (Android)
- Sign a Daywork Sheet (Android)
- View a Daywork Sheet (Android)
- Daywork Sheets - User Permissions (Android)
- Daywork Sheets - Videos (Android)
- Daywork Sheets - Tutorials (Android)
- Directory (Android)
- Directory - Tutorials (Android)
- Add a Company to the Project Level Directory (Android)
- Add a Contact to your Device (Android)
- Add a Person to the Project Level Directory (Android)
- Add a Phone Calls Entry from the Directory (Android)
- Add a User to a Project Using Their Profile Code (Android)
- Edit a Company in the Project Level Directory (Android)
- Edit a Person in the Project Level Directory (Android)
- Email Forward Contact Information (Android)
- Search for and Filter Directory Contacts (Android)
- View Directory (Android)
- Directory - User Permissions (Android)
- Directory - Tutorials (Android)
- Documents (Android)
- Drawings (Android)
- Drawings - Tutorials (Android)
- Add Measurements to a Drawing (Android)
- Add Observations to a Drawing (Android)
- Add Photos to a Drawing (Android)
- Add Snag List Items to a Drawing (Android)
- Compare Drawings (Android)
- Create RFIs on a Drawing (Android)
- Delete Drawing Markups (Android)
- Download Drawings (Android)
- Edit Drawing Markups (Android)
- Email Drawings (Android)
- Filter Drawing Markups (Android)
- Link Items to a Drawing (Android)
- Mark up a Drawing (Android)
- Print Drawings (Android)
- Publish Personal Drawing Markups (Android)
- Search for and Filter Drawings (Android)
- Share Drawings Within Procore (Android)
- Sync and Download Drawings (Android)
- View Drawing Area (Android)
- View Drawing Markups (Android)
- View Drawings (Android)
- Drawings - User Permissions (Android)
- Drawings - Videos (Android)
- Drawings - Tutorials (Android)
- Equipment (Android)
- Forms (Android)
- Incidents (Android)
- Inspections (Android)
- Inspections - Tutorials (Android)
- Add Comments to an Inspection Item (Android)
- Add Photos to an Inspection Item (Android)
- Add Signers to an Inspection (Android)
- Create an Inspection (Android)
- Create an Observation from an Inspection (Android)
- Edit an Inspection (Android)
- Email Inspections (Android)
- Manage Push Notifications for Inspections (Android)
- Perform an Inspection (Android)
- Search for and Filter Inspections (Android)
- Sign a Completed Inspection (Android)
- View Inspections (Android)
- View Signatures on an Inspection (Android)
- View the Activity Feed of an Inspection (Android)
- Inspections - User Permissions (Android)
- Inspections - Videos (Android)
- Inspections - Tutorials (Android)
- Instructions (Android)
- Locations (Android)
- Locations - Tutorials (Android)
- Add Locations (Android)
- Add Photos to a Location (Android)
- Create a Snag List Item from a Location (Android)
- Create an Incident from a Location (Android)
- Create an Inspection from a Location (Android)
- Create an Observation from a Location (Android)
- Create an RFI from a Location (Android)
- Scan a QR Code in the Locations Tool (Android)
- View Items Associated with a Location (Android)
- View Locations Heat Map (Android)
- View Locations Hierarchy (Android)
- View Locations on Drawings (Android)
- Locations - User Permissions (Android)
- Locations - Tutorials (Android)
- Main Contracts (Android)
- Meetings (Android)
- My Time (Android)
- Observations (Android)
- Observations - Tutorials (Android)
- Add a Comment to an Observation (Android)
- Close an Observation (Android)
- Create an Observation (Android)
- Create an Observation with Quick Capture (Android)
- Edit an Observation (Android)
- Email an Observation (Android)
- Respond to an Observation (Android)
- Search for and Filter Observations (Android)
- View an Observation (Android)
- Observations - User Permissions (Android)
- Observations - Videos (Android)
- Observations - Tutorials (Android)
- Photos (Android)
- Photos - Tutorials (Android)
- Add a Comment to a Photo (Android)
- Add a Location to a Photo (Android)
- Bulk Edit Photos (Android)
- Create a Photo Album (Android)
- Create Before and After Photos (Android)
- Create Items from Photos (Android)
- Delete Photos (Android)
- Download a Photo (Android)
- Edit a Photo's Information (Android)
- Email a Photo (Android)
- Mark Up a Photo (Android)
- Mention Someone in a Photo Comment (Android)
- Search for and Filter Photos (Android)
- Sort Photo Albums (Android)
- Take and Add Photos to an Album (Android)
- View Photos (Android)
- Photos - User Permissions (Android)
- Photos - Videos (Android)
- Photos - Tutorials (Android)
- Programme (Android)
- Project Overview Screen (Android)
- Project Overview Screen - User Permissions (Android)
- Project Overview Screen - Tutorials (Android)
- About the Project Overview Screen (Android)
- Add and Manage Bookmarks (Android)
- Configure Project Overview Screen Preferences (Android)
- Configure Quick Create Settings (Android)
- Configure the Tool Order for a Project (Android)
- Manage Project Settings (Android)
- Navigate to a Different Company in Procore (Android)
- Navigate to a Different Project in Procore (Android)
- Open Project Links (Android)
- Quick Create Items (Android)
- Share Project Location (Android)
- Sort Projects (Android)
- View Project Details (Android)
- View Project Message (Android)
- View Project Team (Android)
- View Recent Drawings from the Project Overview Screen (Android)
- RFIs (Android)
- Site Diary (Android)
- Site Diary - Tutorials (Android)
- Add a Site Diary Entry (Android)
- Add Accident Log Entries (Android)
- Add Daily Construction Report Entries (Android)
- Add Delay Entries (Android)
- Add Deliveries Log Entries (Android)
- Add Dumpster Entries (Android)
- Add Equipment Entries to a Daily Log (Android)
- Add Inspections Entries (Android)
- Add Manpower Entries (Android)
- Add Notes Entries (Android)
- Add Phone Calls Entries (Android)
- Add Photos Entries to Site Diary (Android)
- Add Plan Revisions Entries (Android)
- Add Productivity Entries (Android)
- Add Quantities Entries (Android)
- Add Safety Violations Entries (Android)
- Add Scheduled Work Log Entries (Android)
- Add Timecard Entries (Android)
- Add Visitors Entries (Android)
- Add Waste Entries (Android)
- Add Weather Entries (Android)
- Attach Files to a Site Diary (Android)
- Copy a Site Diary (Android)
- Delete a Site Diary (Android)
- Edit a Site Diary (Android)
- Email a Site Diary (Android)
- Mark a Site Diary as Complete (Android)
- Reopen a Site Diary (Android)
- Review and Approve Pending Entries (Android)
- Send Photos from the Photos tool to the Site Diary (Android)
- View a Site Diary in the List View (Android)
- View Site Diaries in the Calendar View (Android)
- Site Diary - User Permissions (Android)
- Site Diary - Videos (Android)
- Site Diary - Tutorials (Android)
- Snag List (Android)
- Snag List - Tutorials (Android)
- Add a Photo to a Snag List Item (Android)
- Close a Snag List Item (Android)
- Create a Snag List Item (Android)
- Create a Snag List Item with Quick Capture (Android)
- Download Snag List Items (Android)
- Edit a Snag List Item (Android)
- Email Snag Items to Any User (Android)
- Notify Assignees of Snag Items (Android)
- Reassign a Snag List Item (Android)
- Respond to a Snag List Item (Android)
- Search and Filter the Snag List (Android)
- View Snag List Items (Android)
- Snag List - User Permissions (Android)
- Snag List - Videos (Android)
- Snag List - Tutorials (Android)
- Specifications (Android)
- Submittals (Android)
- Tasks (Android)
- Timesheets (Android)
- Timesheets - Tutorials (Android)
- Add a Crew to a Timesheet (Android)
- Add Employees to a Timesheet (Android)
- Add Quantities to a Timesheet (Android)
- Approve a Timesheet (Android)
- Bulk Enter Time Entry (Android)
- Copy Previous Timesheet (Android)
- Create a Timesheet (Android)
- Delete a Timesheet (Android)
- Edit a Timesheet (Android)
- Edit Quantities on a Timesheet (Android)
- Review a Timesheet (Android)
- Search for and Filter Timesheets (Android)
- Set Up a Daily Reminder for Timesheets (Android)
- Sign a Timesheet (Android)
- Sign Timesheets for All Projects (Android)
- View a Labour Budget to Actual Report (Android)
- View a Timesheet (Android)
- View Field Production Report (Android)
- View Timesheets for All Projects (Android)
- Timesheets - User Permissions (Android)
- Timesheets - Videos (Android)
- Timesheets - Tutorials (Android)
- Action Plans (Android)
- Action Plans - Tutorials (Android)
- Add Notes to an Action Plan Item (Android)
- Add Records to Action Plan Items (Android)
- Approve an Action Plan to be Performed (Android)
- Perform an Action Plan (Android)
- Remove Records from Action Plan Items (Android)
- Request Records on Published Plans (Android)
- Search and Filter Action Plan Items (Android)
- Search and Filter Action Plans (Android)
- Sign a Completed Action Plan (Android)
- Sign an Action Plan Item (Android)
- View an Action Plan (Android)
- Action Plans - User Permissions (Android)
- Action Plans - Tutorials (Android)
- Conversations (Android)
- Conversations - Tutorials (Android)
- Add Items to a Message in the Conversations Tool (Android)
- Create a Group in the Conversations Tool (Android)
- Edit or Delete a Message in the Conversations Tool (Android)
- Manage a Group in the Conversations Tool (Android)
- Manage Push Notifications for the Conversations Tool (Android)
- Mention a User in the Conversations Tool (Android)
- Send a Message in the Conversations Tool (Android)
- View Messages in the Conversations Tool (Android)
- Conversations - User Permissions (Android)
- Conversations - Videos (Android)
- Conversations - Tutorials (Android)
- Models (Android)
- Project Dashboard (Android)
- Document Management (Android)
- Document Management - Tutorials (Android)
- Configure Your View in the Document Management Tool (Android)
- Search for and Filter Documents in the Document Management Tool (Android)
- Share Document Management Files in a Correspondence Item (Android)
- Sync and Download Documents from the Document Management Tool (Android)
- View Document Management Files in a Correspondence Item (Android)
- View Documents in the Document Management Tool (Android)
- Document Management - User Permissions (Android)
- Document Management - Videos (Android)
- Document Management - Tutorials (Android)
- Project Search (Android)
- Home Screen (Android)
- Team (Android)
- Team - Tutorials (Android)
- Add a User to Your Free Procore Account (Android)
- Assign a User as a Tender Contact in Your Free Procore Account (Android)
- Deactivate or Reactivate a User in Your Free Procore Account (Android)
- Edit a User in Your Free Procore Account (Android)
- Resend an Invitation to a User in Your Free Procore Account (Android)
- Search for and Filter Users in Your Free Procore Account (Android)
- View Users in Your Free Procore Account (Android)
- Team- User Permissions (Android)
- Team - Tutorials (Android)
- Company Documents (Android)
- Company Documents - Tutorials (Android)
- Change Privacy Settings on a Folder or File in the Company Level Documents Tool (Android)
- Create a Folder in the Company Level Documents Tool(Android)
- Delete Folders and Files in the Company Level Documents Tool (Android)
- Download a File from the Company Documents Tool (Android)
- Email Files from the Company Documents Tool (Android)
- Rename a File in the Company Documents Tool (Android)
- Rename a Folder in the Company Documents Tool (Android)
- Search for Folders and Files in the Company Documents Tool (Android)
- Upload a File to the Company Documents Tool (Android)
- Upload a New Version of a File to the Company Documents Tool (Android)
- View a File in the Company Documents Tool (Android)
- View a Previous Version of a File to the Company Documents Tool (Android)
- Company Documents - User Permissions (Android)
- Company Documents - Tutorials (Android)
- Sidebar Screen (Android)
- Procore Maps (Android)
- Procore Android App - User Permissions
- Procore Android App - Release Notes
- Procore Android App - Troubleshooting Tips
- Procore Android App - Android Requirements
- Procore Mobile (iOS)
- Procore iOS App - Getting Started
- Procore iOS App - User Guide
- Announcements (iOS)
- Change Events (iOS)
- Commitments (iOS)
- Co-ordination Issues (iOS)
- Correspondence (iOS)
- Crews (iOS)
- Daywork Sheets (iOS)
- Daywork Sheets - Tutorials (iOS)
- Create a Daywork Sheet (iOS)
- Create Equipment from a Daywork Sheet (iOS)
- Edit a Daywork Sheet (iOS)
- Email a Daywork Sheet (iOS)
- Import a Timecard into a Daywork Sheet (iOS)
- Request a Signature on a Daywork Sheet (iOS)
- Search and Filter Daywork Sheets (iOS)
- Sign a Daywork Sheet (iOS)
- View a Daywork Sheet (iOS)
- Daywork Sheets - User Permissions (iOS)
- Daywork Sheets - Videos (iOS)
- Daywork Sheets - Tutorials (iOS)
- Directory (iOS)
- Directory - Tutorials (iOS)
- Add a Company to the Project Level Directory (iOS)
- Add a Contact to your Device (iOS)
- Add a Person to the Project Level Directory (iOS)
- Add a Phone Calls Entry from the Directory (iOS)
- Add a User to a Project Using Their Profile Code (iOS)
- Edit a Person in the Project Level Directory (iOS)
- Search and Filter the Directory (iOS)
- Send Message or WhatsApp to a Contact (iOS)
- View the Directory (iOS)
- Directory - User Permissions (iOS)
- Directory - Tutorials (iOS)
- Documents (iOS)
- Documents - Tutorials (iOS)
- Change Privacy Settings for a Folder or File in the Project Level Documents Tool (iOS)
- Create a Folder (iOS)
- Delete Files and Folders in the Project Level Documents Tool (iOS)
- Download a File (iOS)
- Drag and Drop Files into Procore's Documents Tool (iOS)
- Email Files from the Documents Tool (iOS)
- Print a Folder or File (iOS)
- Rename a File in the Project Level Documents Tool (iOS)
- Rename a Folder in the Project Level Documents Tool (iOS)
- Search for Folders and Files (iOS)
- Upload a File (iOS)
- View Documents (iOS)
- Documents - User Permissions (iOS)
- Documents - Videos (iOS)
- Documents - Tutorials (iOS)
- Drawings (iOS)
- Drawings - Tutorials (iOS)
- Access Recently Viewed Drawings (iOS)
- Add Measurements to a Drawing (iOS)
- Add Observations to a Drawing (iOS)
- Add Photos to a Drawing (iOS)
- Add Snag List Items to a Drawing (iOS)
- Compare Drawings (iOS)
- Create Observations with Quick Capture from a Drawing (iOS)
- Create or Link Co-ordination Issues on a Drawing (iOS)
- Create Snag List Items with Quick Capture from a Drawing (iOS)
- Create RFIs on a Drawing (iOS)
- Delete Drawing Markups (iOS)
- Disable Push Notifications for Drawings (iOS)
- Edit Drawing Markups (iOS)
- Email Drawings (iOS)
- Enable Push Notifications for Drawings (iOS)
- Filter Drawing Markups (iOS)
- Link a Correspondence Item on a Drawing (iOS)
- Link Items to a Drawing (iOS)
- Link Observations to a Drawing (iOS)
- Link RFIs on a Drawing (iOS)
- Mark Up a Drawing (iOS)
- Print Drawings (iOS)
- Publish Personal Drawing Markups (iOS)
- Search for and Filter Drawings (iOS)
- Share a Snapshot of a Drawing Comparison (iOS)
- Share Drawings Within Procore (iOS)
- Sync and Download Drawings (iOS)
- View Drawing Area (iOS)
- View Drawing Markups (iOS)
- View Drawings (iOS)
- Drawings - User Permissions (iOS)
- Drawings - Videos (iOS)
- Drawings - Tutorials (iOS)
- Equipment (iOS)
- Forms (iOS)
- Incidents (iOS)
- Inspections (iOS)
- Inspections - Tutorials (iOS)
- Add Comments to an Inspection Item (iOS)
- Add Photos to an Inspection Item (iOS)
- Add Signers to an Inspection (iOS)
- Create an Inspection (iOS)
- Create an Observation from an Inspection (iOS)
- Create Inspections on a Drawing (iOS)
- Edit an Inspection (iOS)
- Email Inspections (iOS)
- Manage Push Notifications for Inspections (iOS)
- Perform an Inspection (iOS)
- Search for and Filter Inspections (iOS)
- Sign a Completed Inspection (iOS)
- View Inspections (iOS)
- View Signatures on an Inspection (iOS)
- View the Activity Feed of an Inspection (iOS)
- Inspections - User Permissions (iOS)
- Inspections - Videos (iOS)
- Inspections - Tutorials (iOS)
- Instructions (iOS)
- Locations (iOS)
- Locations - Tutorials (iOS)
- Add Locations (iOS)
- Add Photos to a Location (iOS)
- Create a Snag List Item from a Location (iOS)
- Create an Incident from a Location (iOS)
- Create an Inspection from a Location (iOS)
- Create an Observation from a Location (iOS)
- Create an RFI from a Location (iOS)
- Scan a QR Code in the Locations Tool (iOS)
- View Items Associated with a Location (iOS)
- View Locations Heat Map (iOS)
- View Locations Hierarchy (iOS)
- View Locations on Drawings (iOS)
- Locations - User Permissions (iOS)
- Locations - Tutorials (iOS)
- Main Contracts (iOS)
- Meetings (iOS)
- Models (iOS)
- My Time (iOS)
- Observations (iOS)
- Observations - Tutorials (iOS)
- Add a Comment to an Observation (iOS)
- Close an Observation (iOS)
- Create an Observation (iOS)
- Create an Observation with Quick Capture (iOS)
- Download Observation Items (iOS)
- Edit an Observation (iOS)
- Email an Observation (iOS)
- Respond to an Observation (iOS)
- Search for and Filter Observations (iOS)
- View an Observation (iOS)
- Observations - User Permissions (iOS)
- Observations - Videos (iOS)
- Observations - Tutorials (iOS)
- Photos (iOS)
- Photos - Tutorials (iOS)
- Add a Comment to a Photo (iOS)
- Add a Location to a Photo (iOS)
- Add Photos to a Drawing from the Camera (iOS)
- Bulk Edit Photos (iOS)
- Create a Photo Album (iOS)
- Create Before and After Photos (iOS)
- Create Items from Photos (iOS)
- Delete Photos (iOS)
- Download a Photo (iOS)
- Drag and Drop Images into Procore's Photos Tool (iOS)
- Edit a Photo's Information (iOS)
- Email a Photo (iOS)
- Mark Up a Photo (iOS)
- Mention Someone in a Photo Comment (iOS)
- Search for and Filter Photos (iOS)
- Send Photos from the Photos tool to the Site Diary (iOS)
- Sort Photo Albums (iOS)
- Take and Add Photos to an Album (iOS)
- View Photos (iOS)
- Photos - User Permissions (iOS)
- Photos - Videos (iOS)
- Photos - Tutorials (iOS)
- Project Dashboard (iOS)
- Programme (iOS)
- RFIs (iOS)
- Site Diary (iOS)
- Site Diary - Tutorials (iOS)
- Add Accident Entries (iOS)
- Add Daily Construction Report Entries (iOS)
- Add Site Diary Entries (iOS)
- Add Delay Entries (iOS)
- Add Deliveries Entries (iOS)
- Add Dumpster Entries (iOS)
- Add Equipment Entries to a Site Diary (iOS)
- Add Inspection Entries (iOS)
- Add Manpower Entries (iOS)
- Add Notes Entries (iOS)
- Add Phone Calls Entries (iOS)
- Add Photos Entries (iOS)
- Add Plan Revision Entries (iOS)
- Add Productivity Entries (iOS)
- Add Quantities Log Entries (iOS)
- Add Safety Violation Log Entries (iOS)
- Add Scheduled Work Entries (iOS)
- Add Timecards Entries (iOS)
- Add Visitor Entries (iOS)
- Add Waste Log Entries (iOS)
- Add Weather Log Entries (iOS)
- Approve or Reject Pending Entries (iOS)
- Attach Files to a Site Diary (iOS)
- Copy a Site Diary Item (iOS)
- Delete a Site Diary (iOS)
- Edit a Site Diary (iOS)
- Email a Site Diary (iOS)
- Mark a Site Diary as Complete (iOS)
- Reopen a Site Diary (iOS)
- View a Site Diary in the List View (iOS)
- View Site Diaries in the Calendar View (iOS)
- Site Diary - User Permissions (iOS)
- Site Diary - Videos (iOS)
- Site Diary - Tutorials (iOS)
- Snag List (iOS)
- Snag List - Tutorials (iOS)
- Add a Photo to a Snag List Item (iOS)
- Close a Snag List Item (iOS)
- Create a Snag List Item (iOS)
- Create a Snag List Item with Quick Capture (iOS)
- Download Snag List Items (iOS)
- Edit a Snag List Item (iOS)
- Email Snag Items to Any User (iOS)
- Notify Assignees of Snag Items (iOS)
- Reassign a Snag List Item (iOS)
- Respond to a Snag List Item (iOS)
- Search and Filter the Snag List (iOS)
- View a Snag List Item (iOS)
- Snag List - User Permissions (iOS)
- Snag List - Videos (iOS)
- Snag List - Tutorials (iOS)
- Specifications (iOS)
- Submittals (iOS)
- Tasks (iOS)
- Timesheets (iOS)
- Timesheets - Tutorials (iOS)
- Add a Crew to a Timesheet (iOS)
- Add Employees to a Timesheet (iOS)
- Add Quantities to a Timesheet (iOS)
- Approve a Timesheet (iOS)
- Bulk Enter Time Entry (iOS)
- Copy a Timesheet (iOS)
- Create a Timesheet (iOS)
- Delete a Timesheet (iOS)
- Edit a Timesheet (iOS)
- Edit Quantities on a Timesheet (iOS)
- Review a Timesheet (iOS)
- Search for and Filter Timesheets (iOS)
- Set Up a Daily Reminder for Timesheets (iOS)
- Sign a Timesheet (iOS)
- Sign Timesheets for All Projects (iOS)
- View a Labour Budget to Actual Report (iOS)
- View a Timesheet (iOS)
- View Field Production Report (iOS)
- View Quantities on a Timesheet (iOS)
- View Timesheets for All Projects (iOS)
- Timesheets - User Permissions (iOS)
- Timesheets - Videos (iOS)
- Timesheets - Tutorials (iOS)
- Action Plans (iOS)
- Action Plans - Tutorials (iOS)
- Add Notes to an Action Plan Item (iOS)
- Add Records to Action Plan Items (iOS)
- Approve an Action Plan to be Performed (iOS)
- Perform an Action Plan (iOS)
- Remove Records from Action Plan Items (iOS)
- Request Records on Published Plans (iOS)
- Search and Filter Action Plan Items (iOS)
- Search and Filter Action Plans (iOS)
- Sign a Completed Action Plan (iOS)
- Sign an Action Plan Item (iOS)
- View an Action Plan (iOS)
- Action Plans - User Permissions (iOS)
- Action Plans - Tutorials (iOS)
- Conversations (iOS)
- Conversations - Tutorials (iOS)
- Add Items to a Message in the Conversations Tool (iOS)
- Create a Group in the Conversations Tool (iOS)
- Edit or Delete a Message in the Conversations Tool (iOS)
- Manage a Group in the Conversations Tool (iOS)
- Manage Push Notifications for the Conversations Tool (iOS)
- Mention a User in a Conversation (iOS)
- Send a Message in the Conversations Tool (iOS)
- View Messages in the Conversations Tool (iOS)
- Conversations - User Permissions (iOS)
- Conversations - Videos (iOS)
- Conversations - Tutorials (iOS)
- Project Overview Screen (iOS)
- Project Overview Screen - Tutorials (iOS)
- About the Project Overview Screen (iOS)
- Add and Manage Bookmarks (iOS)
- Configure Project Overview Screen Preferences (iOS)
- Configure Quick Create Settings (iOS)
- Configure Tool Order for a Project (iOS)
- Manage Project Settings (iOS)
- Navigate to a Different Company in Procore (iOS)
- Navigate to a Different Project (iOS)
- Open Project Links (iOS)
- Quick Create Items (iOS)
- Share Project Location (iOS)
- Sort Projects (iOS)
- View Project Details (iOS)
- View Project Message (iOS)
- View Project Team (iOS)
- View Recent Drawings from the Project Overview Screen (iOS)
- Project Overview Screen - User Permissions (iOS)
- Project Overview Screen - Tutorials (iOS)
- Document Management (iOS)
- Document Management - Tutorials (iOS)
- Configure Your View in the Document Management Tool (iOS)
- Search for and Filter Documents in the Document Management Tool (iOS)
- Share Document Management Files in a Correspondence Item (iOS)
- Sync and Download Documents from the Document Management Tool (iOS)
- View Document Management Files in a Correspondence Item (iOS)
- View Documents in the Document Management Tool (iOS)
- Document Management - User Permissions (iOS)
- Document Management - Videos (iOS)
- Document Management - Tutorials (iOS)
- Project Search (iOS)
- Home Screen (iOS)
- Camera (iOS)
- Team (iOS)
- Team - Tutorials (iOS)
- Add a User to Your Free Procore Account (iOS)
- Assign a User as a Tender Contact in Your Free Procore Account (iOS)
- Deactivate or Reactivate a User in Your Free Procore Account (iOS)
- Edit a User in Your Free Procore Account (iOS)
- Resend an Invitation to a User in Your Free Procore Account (iOS)
- Search for and Filter Users in Your Free Procore Account (iOS)
- View Users in Your Free Procore Account (iOS)
- Team- User Permissions (iOS)
- Team - Tutorials (iOS)
- Company Documents (iOS)
- Sidebar Screen (iOS)
- Procore Maps (iOS)
- Procore iOS App - User Permissions
- Procore iOS App - Release Notes
- Procore iOS App - Troubleshooting Tips
- Procore iOS App - iOS Requirements
- Product Releases
- Changes by Tool
- Monthly Webinar
- Monthly Release Notes
- Release Notes for 2023-04-03
- Release Notes for 2023-04-10
- Release Notes for 2023-04-17
- Release Notes for 2023-04-24
- Release Notes for 2023-05-01
- Release Notes for 2023-05-15
- Release Notes for 2023-05-22
- Release Notes for 2023-05-29
- Release Notes for 2023-06-05
- Release Notes for 2023-06-12
- Release Notes for 2023-06-19
- Release Notes for 2023-06-26
- Release Notes for 2023-07-03
- Release Notes for 2023-07-17
- Release Notes for 2023-07-24
- Release Notes for 2023-08-07
- Release Notes for 2023-08-14
- Release Notes for 2023-08-28
- Release Notes for 2023-09-04
- Release Notes for 2023-09-11
- Release Notes for 2023-09-18
- Release Notes for 2023-10-02
- Release Notes for 2023-10-09
- Release Notes for 2023-10-16
- Release Notes for 2023-10-23
- Release Notes for 2023-10-30
- Release Notes for 2023-11-06
- Release Notes for 2023-11-13
- Release Notes for 2023-11-20
- Release Notes for 2023-11-27
- Release Notes for 2023-12-04
- Release Notes for 2023-12-11
- Release Notes for 2023-12-18
- Release Notes for 2023-12-25
- Release Notes for 2024-01-01
- Release Notes for 2024-01-08
- Release Notes for 2024-01-15
- Release Notes for 2024-01-22
- Release Notes for 2024-01-29
- Release Notes for 2024-02-05
- Release Notes for 2024-02-12
- Release Notes for 2024-02-19
- Release Notes for 2024-02-26
- Release Notes for 2024-03-04
- Release Notes for 2024-03-11
- Release Notes for 2024-03-18
- Release Notes for 2024-03-25
- Release Notes for 2024-04-01
- Release Notes for 2024-04-08
- Release Notes for 2024-04-15
- Release Notes for 2024-04-22
- Release Notes for 2024-04-29
- Release Notes for August 2024
- Release Notes for July 2024
- Release Notes for June 2024
- Release Notes for May 2024
- Products
- Free Procore Company Account
- Free Account - FAQ
- Free Account - Permissions
- Free Account - Release Notes
- Reuse
- Free Account - Tutorials
- Accept or Deny a User's Request to Join Your Free Procore Company Account
- Add a User to Your Free Procore Account
- Assign a User as a Tender Contact in Your Free Procore Account
- Claim your Business on the Procore Construction Network
- Create a Free Procore Company Account
- Deactivate or Reactivate a User in Your Free Procore Account
- Edit a User in Your Free Procore Account
- Edit Personal Information in Your Free Procore Account
- Edit Your Company Information for the Procore Construction Network
- Log in to your Free Procore Account
- Navigate to a Company from Your Free Procore Account
- Navigate to a Project from Your Free Procore Account
- Resend an Invitation to a User in Your Free Procore Account
- Search for and Filter Users in Your Free Procore Account
- View Projects from Your Free Procore Account
- View Users in Your Free Procore Account
- Free Procore Account - Videos
- Procore Web (
- Procore Custom Solutions
- Financial Management User Guides
- Procore Consulting Services
- Request Procore Consulting Services
- What can Procore's Field Productivity Consultation Package include?
- What can Procore's Financial Consultation Package for Main Contractors include?
- What can Procore's Financial Consultation Package for Owners include?
- What can Procore's Financial Consultation Package for Speciality Contractors include?
- What can Procore's Preconstruction Consultation Package include?
- What can Procore's Project Management Consultation Package include?
- What can Procore's Quality & Safety Consultation Package include?
- Procore User Guide
- Company Level
- Company Admin Tool
- Configure Project Connection Settings
- Company Admin Tool - FAQ
- Company Admin Tool - User Permissions
- Company Admin Tool - Release Notes
- Company Admin Tool - Tutorials
- About Configured Incidents Fieldsets and Field Options
- About Work Breakdown Structure
- Add a Classification
- Add a Custom Tender Type
- Add a Custom Department
- Add a Custom Owner Type
- Add a Custom Project Region
- Add a Custom Project Role
- Add a Custom Project Stage
- Add a Custom Project Type
- Add a Custom Trade
- Add a Job to Date Costs Column to a Budget View
- Add a Template Correspondence Type
- Add an Office Location
- Add Company Cost Codes
- Add Company Cost Types
- Add Company Level Observation Types
- Add Custom Options for Incident Fields
- Add Custom Segments
- Add Custom Translations to Observation Types
- Add New Project Dates
- Add a Permitted Project to a Data Connection App
- Add Root Cause Analysis Fields
- Add Segment Items
- Add Task Categories
- Add the Columns for Job Cost Transaction Syncing to a Budget View for ERP Integrations
- Add the Columns for the 'Budget Changes' Feature to a Budget View
- Add the 'ERP Direct Costs' Column to a Procore Budget View for ERP Integrations
- Add the Unit-Based Columns to a Procore Budget View
- View App Management Metrics
- Allow User Installs
- Apply Configurable Fieldsets to Projects
- Arrange the Company Budget Code Structure
- Assign a Budget View to a Procore Project
- Configure Access and Settings for the Conversations Tool (Beta)
- Configure Administrative Settings: Company Admin
- Configure Advanced Settings: Company Admin
- Configure Alerts and Severity for Incidents
- Configure Default Estimating Settings
- Configure Meeting Templates
- Configure Project Settings from the Company Admin Tool
- Configure Service Account Permissions
- Configure Settings for Exporting Inspections as PDFs
- Configure Single Sign-On in the Company Admin Tool
- Configure Tax Code Settings
- Configure Tool Settings from the Company Admin Tool
- Configure Your Company Settings
- Create a Company Level Action Plan Template
- Create a Company Level Form Template
- Create a Company Level Observation Template
- Create a Company Level Snag Item Template
- Create a Default Project Fieldset
- Create a Meeting Template
- Create a New Correspondence Type
- Create a New Expense Allocation
- Create a Snag Item Template Category at the Company Level
- Create Action Plan Statuses
- Create Action Plan Types
- Create Action Plan Verification Methods
- Create an App Configuration and Apply it to Projects
- Create a Company Level App Configuration
- Create Custom Sections
- Create Custom Submittal Log Statuses
- Create Custom Submittal Types
- Create a Global App Configuration
- Create New Configurable Fieldsets
- Create New Custom Fields
- Create a Service Account
- Create Your Company's Default Work Breakdown Structure
- Deactivate Segment Items
- Delete a Budget View
- Delete a Company Level Action Plan Template
- Delete a Company Level Form Template
- Delete a Company Level Observation Template
- Delete a Company Level Snag Item Template
- Delete a Custom Trade
- Delete a Meeting Template
- Delete a Snag Item Template Category at the Company Level
- Delete Action Plan Types
- Delete Action Plan Verification Methods
- Delete an Office Location
- Delete an App Configuration
- Delete Configurable Fieldsets
- Delete Custom Fields
- Delete Custom Options for Incident Fields
- Delete Observation Types
- Delete Root Cause Analysis Fields
- Delete a Service Account
- Delete Task Categories
- Edit a Correspondence Type
- Edit a Meeting Template
- Edit a Snag Item Template Category at the Company Level
- Edit an Existing Budget View
- Edit an Office Location
- Edit an App Configuration
- Edit Configurable Fieldsets
- Edit Custom Fields
- Edit Custom Options for Incident Fields
- Edit Custom Segment Settings
- Edit Observation Types
- Edit Root Cause Analysis Fields
- Edit Segment Items
- Enable Avatars
- Enable Participation in Procore User Surveys
- Enable Security Settings for Logins, Passwords and Session Timeout Intervals
- Enable Sub Jobs on Projects for WBS
- Enable the DocuSign® Integration on Your Company's Procore Account
- Export Conversations Data (Beta)
- Export WBS Segments to CSV
- Install a Custom App
- Install an App from the Procore Marketplace
- Install an App from Procore
- Install a Data Connection App from the Marketplace
- Install an Embedded App
- Launch an Embedded App in a Company
- Manage App Install Requests
- Manage Company Information
- Manage Custom Statuses for Correspondence Types
- Manage PDF Configurations for Exported Meetings
- Mark a Task Category as Inactive
- Mark an Observation Type as Inactive
- Migrating Data Connection Apps to Use Developer Managed Service Accounts
- Edit a Service Account
- Reactivate Segment Items
- Reinstall an App
- Remove an Office Logo
- Remove Configurable Fieldsets from Projects
- Remove Custom Fields from Configurable Fieldsets
- Remove a Permitted Project from a Data Connection App
- Reset the Client Secret for a Service Account
- Set the Default Change Management Configurations
- Set the Default Company Tendering Configuration
- Set the Defaults for Your Projects
- Set Up a Budget View for Custom Reporting
- Set up a New Budget View
- Set Up a New Forecasting View
- Set up Configurable Views for the Change Events Line Items View
- Set Up the Procore Labour Productivity Cost Budget View
- Turn Daywork Sheet Sections ON and OFF
- Uninstall an App
- Update a Unit of Measure on the Unit of Measure Master List
- Update an Installed App
- Update the Employer Identification Number for Your Company's Procore Account
- Update the Tool Settings for Contracts
- Upload a Company Logo
- Upload an Office Logo
- View Account Information
- View API Request Metrics
- View Details on a Developer Managed Service Account
- View Information about an Installed App
- View Projects with App Configurations
- View the Certification Dashboard
- View the Company Cost Code Segment Settings
- View the Company Cost Type Segment Settings
- Company Admin Tool - Videos
- Company Admin Tool - Workflow Diagrams
- Analytics 2.0
- Analytics - Change Log
- Analytics - FAQ
- Analytics 2.0 - Overview
- Analytics - Permissions
- Analytics - Release Notes
- Analytics - Reuse
- Analytics - Tutorials
- About Procore Analytics 2.0 (Beta)
- Connect to Power BI Desktop (Beta)
- Connect Your Procore Data by Downloading Analytics Models (Beta)
- Connect Your Procore Data to Your Databricks Workspace (Beta)
- Get Access to Your Procore Data (Beta)
- Getting Started With Analytics 2.0 (Beta)
- Migrate an Existing Report to Procore Analytics 2.0 (Beta)
- Rename Report Columns and Tables in Procore Analytics 2.0 (Beta)
- Set Up Row-Level Security for Procore Analytics (Beta)
- Upload Reports to the Power BI Service (Beta)
- Analytics - Videos
- Tender Board
- Tender Board - FAQ
- Tender Board - User Permissions
- Tender Board - Release Notes
- Tender Board - Tutorials
- Add a Tender Board Project to the Portfolio Tool
- Add and Manage Internal Notes in a Tender Board Project
- Add and Manage Tasks in a Tender Board Project
- Apply a Template in the Tender Board Tool
- Assign a Budget Code in an Estimate in the Tender Board and Portfolio Planning Tools
- Configure Settings: Tender Board
- Create a Project in the Tender Board
- Delete a Project in the Tender Board
- Delete Documents from a Tender Board Project
- Download Documents from a Tender Board Project
- Edit Project Stages on the Tender Board
- Export the Tender Board List View
- Manage Tenders from the Tender Board
- Respond to a Tender from the Tender Board
- Search for and Filter Projects on the Tender Board
- Set a Tender Board Project as a Template
- Submit a Tender Proposal
- Upload Documents to a Tender Board Project
- View the Tender Board
- Tender Board - Videos
- Conversations
- Conversations - FAQ
- Conversations - User Permissions
- Conversations - Release Notes
- Conversations - Tutorials
- Add Items to a Message in the Conversations Tool
- Create a Group in the Conversations Tool
- Edit or Delete a Message in the Conversations Tool
- Follow or Unfollow a Conversation
- Getting Started With Procore Conversations
- Go to an Item in Procore from the Conversations Tool
- Hide a Conversation from Your View
- Manage a Group in the Conversations Tool
- Manage In-App Notifications for the Conversations Tool
- Mention a User in a Conversation
- Send a Direct Message in the Conversations Tool
- Send a Message in a Group Conversation
- Send a Message in the Conversations Tool
- Send a Message Related to an Item in Procore
- View a Conversation Related to an Item in Procore
- View Message Details within a Conversation
- View Messages in the Conversations Tool
- Conversations - Videos
- Cost Catalog
- Cost Catalogue - FAQ
- Cost Catalogue - User Permissions
- Release Notes
- Tutorials
- Activate or Deactivate Cost Catalog Items
- Add a Category to the Cost Catalog
- Add a New Catalog to the Cost Catalog
- Add Items to a Cost Catalog
- Copy Cost Catalog Items
- Create Assemblies for a Cost Catalog
- Delete Cost Catalog Items
- Edit Cost Catalog Items
- Export Cost Catalog Items
- Import Cost Catalog Items
- Move Cost Catalog Items
- Search for and Filter Items in the Cost Catalog
- View the Cost Catalog
- Videos
- Company Directory
- Company Directory - FAQ
- Company Directory - User Permissions
- Company Directory - Release Notes
- Company Directory - Tutorials
- Accept or Deny a User's Request to Join Your Company
- Add a Company to the Company Directory
- Add a Distribution Group to the Company Directory
- Add a User Account to the Company Directory
- Add an Existing User to Projects in Your Company's Procore Account
- Add Insurance to a Company Record in the Company Directory
- Add Someone as an Employee of Your Company
- Allow Users to Create New Projects
- Assign a Company Permissions Template to a User in the Company Directory
- Assign a Project Permissions Template to a User in the Company Directory
- Change a User's Permissions to Company Tools in the Company Directory
- Change a User's Project Permissions Template in the Company Directory
- Configure Advanced Settings: Company Directory
- Customise the Column Display in the Company Directory Tool
- Delete a Distribution Group from the Company Directory
- Designate an Insurance Manager for Your Procore Company
- Download a vCard for a User Account in the Company Directory
- Download the Company or User Import Template
- Edit a Company in the Company Directory
- Edit a Contact in the Company Directory
- Edit a Distribution Group in the Company Directory
- Edit a User Account in the Company Directory
- Export the Company Directory to CSV or PDF
- Inactivate a Batch of Companies in the Company Directory
- Inactivate a Batch of User Accounts in the Company Directory
- Inactivate a Company in the Company Directory
- Inactivate a Contact in the Company Directory
- Invite a Batch of Procore Users to Join a Company's Procore Account
- Invite or Re-invite a User to Procore
- Invite Users and Collaborators to Your Company's Procore Account
- How to Log in to Procore Web (
- Merge Companies
- Perform Bulk Actions on the Company Directory
- Reactivate a Batch of Companies in the Company Directory
- Reactivate a Batch of User Accounts in the Company Directory
- Reactivate a Company in the Company Directory
- Reactivate a Contact in the Company Directory
- Reactivate a User in the Company Directory
- Refresh Tender Contacts for Connected Companies in the Company Directory
- Remove an Existing User from Projects in Your Company's Procore Account
- Remove Company Insurance
- Request Company and People Imports
- Respond to a 'Welcome to Procore' Email
- Search and Filter the Company Directory
- Send a Completed Company or User Import Template to Procore
- Set Tenderer Information at the Company Level
- Set Tenderer Information for Your Procore Company
- Switch Between Views in the Company Directory
- Unlock a User Account in the Company Directory
- Update Expiring Insurance for a Vendor in the Company Directory
- Update the Company or User Import Template
- View Company Details in the Company Level Directory Tool
- View Merge Company History
- View Merged Company History
- View User Details in the Company Level Directory Tool
- Company Directory - Videos
- Company Directory - Workflow Diagrams
- Company Documents
- Company Documents - FAQ
- Company Documents - User Permissions
- Company Documents - Release Notes
- Company Documents - Tutorials
- Add or Edit a File Description in the Company Level Documents Tool
- Check Files In or Out in the Company Level Documents Tool
- Configure Advanced Settings: Company Documents
- Create a New Folder in the Company Level Documents Tool
- Delete Files and Folders in the Company Level Documents Tool
- Download a Previous Version of a File in the Company Level Documents Tool
- Download Files and Folders from the Company Level Documents Tool
- Email Files or Folders from the Company Level Documents Tool
- Export Information from the Company Level Documents Tool
- Manage File and Folder Tracking in the Company Level Documents Tool
- Manage Permissions for Company Level Documents
- Open or Edit a File in Microsoft Office 365 Using the Company Level Documents Tool
- Rename a File in the Company Level Documents Tool
- Rename a Folder in the Company Level Documents Tool
- Retrieve Files and Folders from the Company Level Documents Tool's Recycle Bin
- Search for and Filter Company Level Documents
- Upload a New Version of a File in the Company Level Documents Tool
- Upload Files or Folders to the Company Level Documents Tool
- View a File in Microsoft Office 365 Using the Company Level Documents Tool
- View Documents in the Company Level Documents Tool
- Company Documents - Videos
- Company Equipment
- Company Equipment - FAQ
- Company Equipment - User Permissions
- Company Equipment - Release Notes
- Company Equipment - Tutorials
- Add or Remove Equipment from Projects in the Company Equipment Tool
- Configure Advanced Settings: Company Equipment
- Configure Columns for the Company Equipment Tool
- Create an Equipment Record in the Company Equipment Tool
- Delete an Equipment Record in the Company Equipment Tool
- Edit an Equipment Record in the Company Equipment Tool
- Company Equipment Setup Guide
- Generate and Print QR Codes for Equipment
- Import Equipment Records to the Company Equipment Tool
- Recover Equipment Records from the Recycle Bin in the Company Equipment Tool
- Search and Filter Equipment in the Company Equipment Tool
- Set Current Project for Equipment
- View Equipment Change History in the Company Equipment Tool
- View Equipment Project Assignments
- ERP Integrations
- Project Financials + Acumatica® Cloud ERP
- Project Financials + CMiC Connector
- ERP Integrations - FAQ
- ERP Tutorials
- Accept or Reject a Budget for Export to ERP
- Accept or Reject a CV for Export to ERP
- Accept or Reject a Commitment for Export to ERP
- Accept or Reject a Company for Export to ERP
- Accept or Reject a MCV for Export to ERP
- Accept or Reject a Project for Export to ERP
- Accept or Reject a Sub Job for Export to ERP
- Accept or Reject Cost Codes for Export to ERP
- Accept or Reject Subcontractor Payment applications for Export to ERP
- Add an ERP Company to the Procore Company Directory
- Add an ERP Job to Procore
- Add Columns to a Budget View for ERP Job Cost Transaction Detail
- Add ERP Standard Cost Codes to a Project
- Add ERP Standard Cost Codes to the Company Level Admin Tool
- Archive an ERP Company in Procore
- Archive and Unarchive Cost Codes Synced With an ERP Integration
- Assign Default Cost Types To ERP Standard Cost Codes
- Configure Advanced Settings: ERP Integrations
- Configure Cost Code Preferences for ERP
- Configure the Sync Programme for your ERP Integration
- Consolidate Duplicate Companies in the Company Directory
- Consolidate and Link ERP Companies to Procore Companies
- Create Standard Cost Codes in Procore and Sync to your ERP System
- Delete a CV Synced with ERP
- Delete a Commitment Synced with ERP
- Delete Cost Type Assignments from a Synced ERP Project Cost Code List
- Delete Project Cost Codes from an ERP Integrated Project
- Edit a Commitment Synced with ERP
- Enable ERP Job Cost Transaction Syncing on a Procore Project
- Enable or Disable ERP Direct Exports
- Export a CV to ERP
- Export a Commitment to ERP
- Export a MCV to ERP
- Export a Procore Budget to ERP
- Export a Procore Company Record to ERP
- Export Subcontractor Invoices from Procore to ERP
- Import a Budget from ERP
- Import a Main Contract from an Integrated ERP System into Procore
- Import an ERP Sub Job to a Procore Project
- Link ERP Companies to Procore Companies
- Refresh the Cost Codes on an ERP Integrated Project
- Re-Import a Budget from ERP
- Re-import a Main Contract from an Integrated ERP System into Procore
- Remove Duplicate Companies from the Company Directory
- Resend a Rejected Budget to ERP Integrations for Accounting Acceptance
- Resend a Rejected CV to ERP Integrations for Accounting Acceptance
- Resend a Rejected Commitment to ERP Integrations for Accounting Acceptance
- Resend a Rejected Company to ERP Integrations for Accounting Acceptance
- Resend a Rejected MCV to ERP Integrations for Accounting Acceptance
- Resend a Rejected Sub Job to ERP Integrations for Accounting Acceptance
- Resend a Rejected Subcontractor Payment application to ERP Integrations for Accounting Acceptance
- Restore an Archived ERP Company for ERP Integrations
- Retrieve a Budget from ERP Before Acceptance
- Retrieve a CV from ERP Integrations Before Acceptance
- Retrieve a Commitment from ERP Integrations Before Acceptance
- Retrieve a Company from ERP Integrations Before Acceptance
- Retrieve a MCV from ERP Integrations Before Acceptance
- Retrieve a Project from ERP Before Accounting Acceptance
- Retrieve a Subcontractor Payment application from ERP Integrations Before Acceptance
- Send a Budget to ERP Integrations for Accounting Acceptance
- Send a CV to ERP for Accounting Acceptance
- Send a Commitment to ERP Integrations for Accounting Acceptance
- Send a MCV to ERP Integrations for Accounting Acceptance
- Send a Procore Company to ERP Integrations for Accounting Acceptance
- Send a Procore Project to ERP for Accounting Acceptance
- Send a Sub Job to ERP Integrations for Accounting Acceptance
- Send Subcontractor Payment Applications to ERP Integrations for Accounting Acceptance
- Send Unsynced ERP Standard Cost Codes to ERP Integrations for Accounting Acceptance
- Sync Job Cost Transactions from an Integrated ERP into Procore
- Sync Paid Payment application Notifications from ERP into Procore
- Unlink a Company Synced with ERP
- Unlink CVs Synced with ERP
- Unlink Commitments Synced with ERP
- Unlink Subcontractor Payment applications Synced with ERP
- View an ERP Job Costs Report
- View a List of Synced Sub Jobs
- View an Accountant Report for ERP
- View an ERP Unsyncable Direct Costs Report
- View the Archived Companies List for ERP
- Project Financials + MRI Platform X® Connector
- Project Financials + NetSuite® Connector
- ERP Integrations - User Permissions
- QuickBooks® Online: Connects Procore to QuickBooks® Online
- ERP Integrations - Release Notes
- Things to Know about your ERP Integration
- Troubleshooting
- ERP Integrations - Tutorials
- Accept or Reject a Budget for Export to ERP
- Accept or Reject a CV for Export to an Integrated ERP System
- Accept or Reject a Commitment for Export to ERP Integration
- Accept or Reject a Company for Export to ERP
- Accept or Reject a Sub Job for Export to ERP Integration
- Accept or Reject Subcontractor Payment applications for Export to ERP
- Add ERP Standard Cost Codes to a Project
- Archive an Integrated ERP System Vendor in Procore
- Assign Default Cost Types To Cost Codes
- Configure Cost Code Preferences for ERP
- Configure ERP Integrations Settings
- Edit a Commitment synced with ERP Integrations
- Edit the Name of a Sub Job in a Procore Project
- Export a Procore Company Record to ERP Integration
- Export Subcontractor Payment Applications to an Integrated ERP System
- Export Your Approved Subcontractor Payment applications to ERP workflow
- Import an ERP Sub Job to a Procore Project
- Import an ERP Vendor to Procore's Company Directory
- Link a Vendor from an Integrated ERP System with a Procore Company
- Request to Enable the ERP Integrations Tool
- Resend a Rejected Budget to ERP Integrations for Accounting Acceptance
- Resend a Rejected CV to ERP Integrations for Accounting Acceptance
- Resend a Rejected Commitment to ERP Integrations for Accounting Acceptance
- Resend a Rejected Sub Job to ERP Integrations for Accounting Acceptance
- Resend a Rejected Subcontractor Payment application to ERP Integrations for Accounting Acceptance
- Retrieve a Budget from ERP Integrations Before Acceptance
- Send a Budget to ERP Integrations for Accounting Acceptance
- Send a CV to ERP Integrations for Accounting Acceptance
- Send a Commitment to ERP Integrations for Accounting Acceptance
- Send Subcontractor Payment Applications to ERP Integrations for Accounting Acceptance
- Unlink CVs Synced with an Integrated ERP System
- Unlink Commitments Synced with an Integrated ERP System
- Unlink Subcontractor Payment applications Synced with ERP
- View a List of Synced Sub Jobs
- Project Financials + Workday® Connector
- Project Financials + Xero™ Connector
- Project Financials + Yardi Voyager®
- Company Inspections
- Company Inspections - FAQ
- Company Inspections - User Permissions
- Company Inspections - Release Notes
- Company Inspections - Tutorials
- Add Custom Response Sets to a Company Level Inspection Template
- Clone a Company Level Inspection Template
- Configure Advanced Settings: Company Level Inspections
- Create a Company Level Inspection Template
- Create a Custom Response Set for Inspections
- Create an Inspection Type
- Delete a Company Level Inspection Template
- Delete a Custom Response Set for Inspections
- Delete an Inspection Type
- Edit a Company Level Inspection Template
- Edit a Custom Response Set for Inspections
- Export Company Level Inspection Templates as a PDF
- Retrieve a Company Level Inspection Template from the Recycle Bin
- Search and Filter for Inspection Templates
- Use Quick Add on a Company Inspection Template
- View the Change History of an Inspection Template
- Company Inspections - Videos
- Permissions Tool
- Permissions Tool - FAQ
- Permissions Tool - User Permissions
- Permissions Tool - Release Notes
- Permissions Tool - Tutorials
- Assign Company Permissions Templates in the Permissions Tool
- Assign Default Project Permissions Templates in the Permissions Tool
- Create a Company Permissions Template
- Create a Project Permissions Template
- Delete a Company Permissions Template
- Delete a Project Permissions Template
- Duplicate a Company Permissions Template
- Duplicate a Project Permissions Template
- Edit a Company Permissions Template
- Edit a Project Permissions Template
- Export Company Permissions Templates
- Export Project Permissions Template Assignments
- Export Project Permissions Templates
- Grant Granular Permissions in a Company Permissions Template
- Grant Granular Permissions in a Project Permissions Template
- Manage Company Permissions Templates
- Manage Project Permissions Templates
- Rename a Company Permissions Template
- Rename a Project Permissions Template
- Search for and Filter Users in the Permissions Tool
- View the Change History of a Permission Template
- Planroom
- Portfolio
- Portfolio - FAQ
- Portfolio - User Permissions
- Portfolio - Release Notes
- Portfolio - Tutorials
- Add Favourites to the Company Tools Menu
- Add Filters to the Portfolio Views
- Add Project Notes
- Apply a Project Template to a New Project
- Change Your Login ID Email Address for Your Procore User Account
- Change Your Password
- Configure a Project Template
- Configure Advanced Settings: Portfolio
- Configure the Add Filter Options for the Portfolio Tool
- Create a New Project
- Edit a Project Template
- Export a List of Projects from the Company Portfolio
- Export Your 'My Open Items' List for a Company Account
- Navigate to a Favourite Tool
- Revoke Access for My Connected Apps
- Search the Company Portfolio for Projects
- Set and Apply Favourites for the Project Tools Menu
- Set the Dashboard View Permissions
- Set User Permissions for the Portfolio Tool
- Set Up and Manage Your Favourites
- Show Portfolio Projects in Map View
- Switch Between Financial Views
- Switch Between the Portfolio Views
- Switch Between Views in the Projects List
- Track Important Project Dates
- Upload Your Avatar or Profile Photo to Procore
- View Inactive Projects in the Company Portfolio
- View My Open Items in the Portfolio Tool
- View the Executive Dashboard in the Portfolio Tool
- View the Health Dashboard in the Portfolio Tool
- Portfolio - Videos
- Prequalification Portal
- Prequalifications
- Prequalifications - FAQ
- Prequalifications - User Permissions
- Prequalifications - Release Notes
- Prequalifications - Tutorials
- Add a Comment on a Prequalification Form
- Assign a Prequalification Primary Contact
- Bulk Invite Companies to Prequalify
- Configure Advanced Settings: Prequalifications
- Create a Change Request for a Prequalification Form
- Create a Custom Prequalification Question
- Customise the Column Display in the Prequalification Tool
- Delete a Comment on a Prequalification Form
- Edit a Custom Prequalification Question
- Edit the Prequalification Form
- Filter Prequalification Forms
- Invite a Company to Prequalify
- Preview the Prequalification Form
- Review a Submitted Prequalification Form
- Set the Status on a Prequalification Form
- View a Comment on a Prequalification Form
- View a Company's Prequalification Information
- View the Change History of a Prequalification Form
- View the Prequalification Company List
- Prequalifications - Videos
- Prequalifications - Workflow Diagrams
- Programs
- Company Reports
- Company Reports - FAQ
- Company Reports - User Permissions
- Company Reports - Release Notes
- Company Reports - Tutorials
- Add a Visual to a Custom Company Report
- Aggregate Data in a Custom Company Report
- Assign a Custom Report to All Projects
- Clone a Custom Company Report
- Configure Advanced Settings: Company Reports
- Create a Calculated Column in a Custom Company Report
- Create a Custom Company Report
- Create a Custom Company Report Dashboard
- Delete a Custom Company Report
- Distribute a Snapshot of a Custom Company Report
- Download an Open Submittals Report
- Edit a Custom Company Report
- Enhanced Reporting: Assign a Report to All Projects
- Enhanced Reporting: Clone a Company Report
- Enhanced Reporting: Create a Calculated Column in a Company Report
- Enhanced Reporting: Create a Custom Company Report
- Enhanced Reporting: Create a Custom Company Report Using a Template
- Enhanced Reporting: Data Guide
- Enhanced Reporting: Delete a Company Report
- Enhanced Reporting: Distribute a Snapshot of a Company Report
- Enhanced Reporting: Edit a Company Report
- Enhanced Reporting: Export a Company Report
- Enhanced Reporting: Share a Company Report
- Enhanced Reporting: View a Company Report
- Export a Custom Company Report
- Share a Custom Company Report
- Share a Custom Company Report Dashboard
- View a Company Report
- View the Financials Dashboard
- Company Reports - Videos
- Resource Planning
- Resource Planning - User Permissions
- Resource Planning - Release Notes
- Resource Planning - Tutorials
- Add or Edit Custom Fields for a Workforce Assignment
- Add or Edit Custom Fields for a Workforce Request
- Add or Edit Custom Fields for People in Workforce Planning
- Add or Edit Tags for People in Resource Planning
- Add or Edit Tags for Projects in Resource Planning
- Add or Remove Assignments from Categories
- Add or Remove Requests from Categories
- Add People to Resource Planning
- Assign or Edit a User's Notification Profile in Resource Planning
- Assign Project Roles for Resource Planning
- Bulk Delete People in Resource Planning
- Bulk Delete Resource Assignments
- Bulk Delete Resource Requests
- Bulk Delete Time Off in Resource Planning
- Bulk Edit People in Resource Planning
- Bulk Edit Resource Assignments
- Bulk Edit Resource Requests
- Bulk Edit Time Off in Resource Planning
- Change a Person's User Type in Resource Planning
- Change a User's Permission Template in Resource Planning
- Configure Assignment and Request Statuses for Resource Planning
- Configure Assignments Gantt View
- Configure Company Details in Resource Planning
- Configure Costing in Resource Planning
- Configure Custom Fields for Resource Planning
- Configure Default Assignment Alerts for Resource Planning
- Configure Groups for Resource Planning
- Configure Integration Settings for Resource Planning
- Configure Job Titles for Resource Planning
- Configure Notification Profiles for Resource Planning
- Configure QR Codes for Resource Planning
- Configure Sensitive Fields for Resource Planning
- Configure Tags for Resource Planning
- Configure View for the Projects List
- Create a Labour Plan
- Create a Resource Assignment
- Create a Resource Request
- Create Custom Assignment Alerts for Projects
- Create Notes About People in Resource Planning
- Create Notes About Projects in Resource Planning
- Create Permissions Templates for Resource Planning
- Create and Manage Project Categories for Resource Planning
- Create Projects in Resource Planning
- Create QR Codes for People
- Create QR Codes for Projects in Resource Planning
- Create Resource Assignments Using Rapid Assign
- Create Saved Reports in Resource Planning
- Create Saved Views in Resource Planning
- Create Time Off in Resource Planning
- Delete a Resource Assignment
- Delete a Resource Request
- Delete or Inactivate a Project in Resource Planning
- Delete or Inactivate People in Resource Planning
- Delete Permissions Templates for Resource Planning
- Delete Time Off in Resource Planning
- Edit a Resource Assignment
- Edit a Resource Request
- Edit or Delete Saved Reports in Resource Planning
- Edit or Delete Saved Views in Resource Planning
- Edit People in Resource Planning
- Edit Permissions Templates for Resource Planning
- Edit Project Details in Resource Planning
- End a Resource Assignment
- Export the Assignment History Report
- Export the Assignments Gantt
- Export the Availability Look-Ahead Report
- Export the People List
- Export the Project List
- Export the Resource Assignments List
- Export the Resource Request List
- Export the Tags Requiring Action Report
- Export the Time Off List
- Export the Totals Dashboard
- Export the Workforce Report
- Fill a Resource Request
- Manage Archived Messages for Resource Planning
- Manage Attachments for People in Resource Planning
- Manage Attachments for Projects in Resource Planning
- Manage Draft Assignment Alerts for Resource Planning
- Manage Draft Messages for Resource Planning
- Manage Open Assignment Alerts for Resource Planning
- Manage Programmed Assignment Alerts for Resource Planning
- Manage Programmed Messages for Resource Planning
- Manage Sent Messages for Resource Planning
- Manage Starred Messages for Resource Planning
- Manage Wage Overrides in Resource Planning
- Manage Your Inbox for Resource Planning
- Prepare Data for Import to the Resource Planning Tool
- Prepare Data to be Synced Between Resource Planning and Procore
- Respond to a Resource Planning Message
- Respond to Assignment Alerts for Resource Planning
- Search, Sort and Filter the Assignments Gantt
- Search and Filter the Totals Dashboard
- Search, Sort and Filter People on the Assignments Boards
- Search, Sort and Filter Projects on the Assignments Boards
- Search, Sort and Filter the People List
- Search, Sort and Filter the Project List
- Search, Sort and Filter the Resource Requests List
- Search, Sort and Filter the Time Off List
- Send a Message for Resource Planning
- Send Assignment Alerts in Resource Planning
- Set Up Your SMS and Email Signature in Resource Planning
- Resource Planning: Set Up Guide
- Shift Project Dates for a Future Project
- Sort and Filter the Resource Assignments List
- View Activity about a Person in Resource Planning
- View Activity about a Project in Resource Planning
- View and Configure the Project Labour Graph
- View and Edit Time Off in Resource Planning
- View Closed Assignment Alerts for Resource Planning
- View Notifications in Resource Planning
- View People Details in Resource Planning
- View Read Receipts for Messages Sent in Resource Planning
- View Tag Attachments for Projects
- View Tag Expiration Dates and Attachments for People
- View the Activity Dashboard
- View the Assignments Boards
- View the Assignments Gantt
- View the Map Dashboard
- View the People List
- View the Resource Assignments List
- View the Resource Requests List
- View the Time Off List
- View the Totals Dashboard
- Resource Planning - Videos
- Company Programme
- Timecard
- Company Timesheets
- Company Timesheets - FAQ
- Company Timesheets - User Permissions
- Company Timesheets - Release Notes
- Company Timesheets - Tutorials
- Configure Advanced Settings: Company Level Timesheets
- Configure the Company Timesheets Payroll Settings
- Customise the Column Display in the Company Level Timesheets Tool
- Delete a Timecard Entry in the Company Level Timesheets Tool
- Duplicate Your Company's Timesheets in Bulk
- Edit a Timecard Entry in the Company Level Timesheets Tool
- Edit Your Company's Timesheets in Bulk
- Export a Timer List as an IIF file from QuickBooks® Desktop
- Export Timecard Entries from Procore to Import into QuickBooks® Desktop
- Export Timesheet Data from Procore into Sage 300 CRE®
- Export Your Company's Timecard Entries to CSV
- Import Procore Time Entries into QuickBooks® Desktop
- Mark a Timecard Entry as Completed in the Company Level Timesheets Tool
- Reallocate Timecard Entry Hours for an Employee
- Search for and Filter Employee Timesheets
- Set the Rounding Rule for Your Company Timesheets
- Set Up your Payroll Export for use with Sage 300 CRE®
- Transfer Procore Timecard Entries to QuickBooks® Desktop
- View a Timecard Entry in the Company Level Timesheets Tool
- View Timecard Summaries in Company Level Timesheets
- Company Timesheets - Videos
- Company Timesheets - Workflow Diagrams
- Workflows
- Workflows Tool - FAQ
- Workflows Tool - User Permissions
- Workflows Tool - Release Notes
- Workflows Tool - Tutorials
- About the Workflows Tool
- Add Additional Assignees to a Workflow Step on a Project
- Assign a Workflow Template to a Project
- Configure a Workflow Template on a Project
- Configure Settings: Workflows
- Create a Workflow Template
- Create and Manage Custom Workflow Responses
- Delete a Draft Workflow Template
- (Beta) Delete Custom Responses for Workflows
- Duplicate a Workflow Template
- Edit a Workflow Template
- (Beta) Edit Custom Responses for Workflows
- Publish a Workflow Template
- Request Self-Serve Workflows Transition
- Respond to a Workflow on a Project
- Restart a Workflow on a Project
- Return a Workflow to a Previous Step
- Start a Workflow on a Project
- Update the Workflow Version of a Procore Tool
- View a Workflow on a Project
- Workflows User Guide
- Workflows Tool - Videos
- Company Admin Tool
- Project Level
- Action Plans
- Action Plans - FAQ
- Action Plans - User Permissions
- Action Plans - Release Notes
- Action Plans - Tutorials
- Add Assignees to Published Plans
- Add Records to Action Plan Items
- Approve an Action Plan to be Performed
- Configure Action Plans Notification Settings
- Copy Action Plan Items and Sections
- Create a Custom Report for Action Plans
- Create an Action Plan
- Create and Edit a Project Level Action Plan Template
- Delete a Project Level Action Plan Template
- Delete an Action Plan
- Edit an Action Plan
- Enable the Action Plans Tool
- Export Action Plan to a PDF
- Perform an Action Plan
- Remove Records from Action Plan Items
- Request Records on Published Plans
- Retrieve a Deleted Project Level Action Plan Template
- Retrieve an Action Plan from the Recycle Bin
- Search and Filter Action Plan Items
- Search and Filter Action Plans
- Sign a Completed Action Plan
- Sign an Action Plan Item
- Update the Status of an Action Plan
- View an Action Plan
- Action Plans - Videos
- Action Plans - Workflow Diagrams
- Project Admin Tool
- Project Admin Tool - FAQ
- Project Admin Tool - User Permissions
- Project Admin Tool - Release Notes
- Project Admin Tool - Tutorials
- About Locations
- Activate Budget Codes on a Project
- Add a Multi-Tiered Location to an Item
- Add and Remove Project Tools
- Add Custom Segments to the Project Budget Code Structure
- Add Equipment
- Add Tiered Locations to a Project
- Add Segment Items to a Project
- Add Spec Sections to the Admin Tool
- Add 'Sub Job' Segment Items to a Procore Project
- Allow or Disallow Users to Create Locations within a Tool
- Arrange the Project Budget Code Structure
- Assign an Office Location to a Project
- Assign Project Cost Codes to Sub Jobs
- Change a Project's Stage of Construction
- Change a Project's Status to Active or Inactive
- Change the Name of a Procore Project
- Change the Project Address
- Close Out a Project
- (Beta) Configure Project Currency Settings
- Configure Settings: Project Admin
- Copy Company Cost Codes to a Project
- Copy Company WBS Segments to a Project
- Copy Directory From One Project to Another
- Create Your Project's Work Breakdown Structure
- Deactivate Budget Codes on a Project
- Delete Budgeted Labour Hours and Budgeted Production Quantities for the Timesheets Tool
- Delete Tiered Locations from a Project
- Delete Spec Sections from the Admin Tool
- Delete Sub Jobs from a Project
- Delete Unused Segment Items from a Project
- Download the Procore Plugin to Import Locations from Revit®
- Edit Budget Code Descriptions on a Project
- Edit Tiered Locations
- Edit Project Tendering Configuration
- Edit Segment Items on a Project
- Edit Spec Sections in the Admin Tool
- Edit Sub Jobs on a Project
- Enable ERP Billed Rate Transaction Syncing on a Procore Project
- Enable ERP Job Cost Transaction Syncing on a Procore Project
- Enable or Disable the DocuSign® Integration on a Procore Project
- Enable the Labour Productivity Cost Features for Project Financials
- Export Locations
- Filter Locations
- Generate and Print QR Codes for Locations
- Generate Locations From Drawings
- Import Locations Using the Procore Plugin for Revit®
- Import Spec Sections to the Admin Tool
- Manage Consolidated Tool Settings (Closed Beta)
- Manually Create Tiered Locations
- Remove Segments from the Project Budget Code Structure
- Request a Multi-tiered Locations Import
- Request to Import Segment Items for WBS
- Search Locations
- Set Project Working Days
- Set the Project Type
- Set Up a Labour Budget to Actual Report for the Timesheets Tool
- Update General Project Information
- Upload a Project Logo
- View Item Locations
- View Locations
- View Locations Heat Map
- Project Admin Tool - Videos
- Project Admin Tool - Workflow Diagrams
- Tendering
- Tendering - FAQ
- Tendering - User Permissions
- Tendering - Release Notes
- Tendering - Tutorials
- About Tender Management Enhanced Experience
- Add a New Company to the Directory from the Tendering Tool
- Add a New Contact to the Directory from the Tendering Tool
- Add Tenderers from the Directory to a Tender Form
- Add Tenderers from the Procore Construction Network to a Tender Form
- Add Tenderers to a Tender Form
- Add New Companies and Contacts to the Company Directory from the Tendering Tool
- Add Notes to the Tender List
- Award a Tender and Convert it to a Subcontract or Purchase Order
- Award a Winning Tender and Convert it into a Purchase Order
- Award a Winning Tender and Convert it into a Subcontract
- Check the Status of Your Tender
- Configure Advanced Settings: Tendering
- Copy Tender Forms from a Previous Tender Package
- Create a Tender Form
- Create a Tender Package
- Create a Tendering Report
- Customise the Column Display in the Tendering Tool
- Delete a Tender Form
- Delete a Tender Package
- Edit a Tender Form
- Edit a Tender Package
- Export a Tender Package
- Export a Tender Package's Tender Files
- Export a Tender Package's Tender List
- Export a Tender Sheet
- Filter and Group the Tender List
- Filter and Sort Tendering Information
- Import Tender Forms to the Tendering Tool
- Indicate Your Intention to Tender
- Invite Tenderers
- Level Tenders for a Tender Form
- Preview a Tender Form
- Reinvite Users to Tender
- Edit Tenderers on the Tender Invitation
- Resend Invitations to Tender
- Respond to Pre-Tender Questions
- Retrieve a Tender Package from the Recycle Bin
- Review Submitted Tender
- Search for and Filter Companies to Add to a Tender Form
- Search for and Invite Tenderers
- Send a New Correspondence in the Tendering Tool
- Send Bulk Correspondences
- Show or Hide Blind Tenders on a Tender Package
- Soft Award a Tender
- Submit a Place a tender on Behalf of a Tenderer
- Submit a Pre-Tender Question
- Update a Submitted Tender
- Update and Redistribute a Tender Package
- Update Tender Documents
- Update to the New Tender Management Experience
- Upload Tender Documents to the Documents Tool
- View a Tender Form
- View a Tender Package
- View an Activity Log
- View and Manage Tenderers on a Tender Form
- View Tender Files
- Tendering - Videos
- Tendering - Workflow Diagrams
- Budget
- Budget - FAQ
- Budget - User Permissions
- Budget - Release Notes
- Budget - Tutorials
- About Budget Changes
- About Budget Changes on Main Contract Payment Applications
- About the Budget Detail Tab
- About the Procore Standard Budget View
- About the Procore Standard Forecast View
- Add a Budget Line Item
- Add a Goods & Services Tax (GST) to a Budget
- Add a Partial Budget Line Item
- Add Budgeted Production Quantities to a Project's Budget
- Apply Advanced Forecasting Curves
- Apply the View, Group and Filter Options on the Budget Detail Tab
- Apply the View, Snapshot, Group and Filter Options on a Budget View
- Approve Budget Changes
- Configure Settings: Budget
- Configure the ERP Budget Export Settings for Sage 300 CRE®
- Create a Budget Modification
- Create a Budget Snapshot
- Create a Custom Budget Report
- Create Budget Changes
- Delete a Budget Line Item
- Delete Budget Changes
- Edit a Budget
- Edit Budget Changes
- Export a Budget to an Integrated ERP System
- Export Budget Changes
- Import a Budget
- Import Installed Production Quantities for the Labour Productivity Cost Budget View
- Lock a Budget
- Migrating to Budget Changes from Budget Modifications
- Read a Budget
- Send a Budget to ERP Integrations for Accounting Acceptance
- Set up a Budget in a New Procore Project
- Unlock a Budget
- Unlock a Budget with Budget Modifications
- Use the 'Forecast to Complete' Feature
- View Budget Change Detail for a Budget Line Item
- View Budget Changes
- View Budget Reports
- View and Filter the Change History of the Budget
- Void Budget Changes
- Budget - Videos
- Budget - Workflow Diagrams
- Change Events
- Change Events - FAQ
- Change Events - User Permissions
- Change Events - Release Notes
- Change Events - Tutorials
- Add a Change Event Line Item to an Unapproved Commitment
- Add a Change Event Line Item to an Unapproved Commitment VAR
- Add a Change Event Line Item to an Unapproved Main Potential Variation
- Add a Related Item to a Change Event
- (Legacy) Add Change Event Line Items
- Add Cost ROM, RFQ & Non-Commitment Cost Source Columns to a Budget View
- Add Change Event Line Items
- Add the Change Events Columns to a Budget View (Including Revenue ROM)
- Assign and Send an RFQ to a Collaborator
- Bulk Create Commitment Variations from a Change Event
- Clone a Change Event
- (Beta) Clone Change Events
- Configure Settings: Change Events
- Create a Budget Modification from a Change Event
- Create a Client Contract Variation from a Change Event
- Create a Commitment Variation from a Change Event
- Create a Commitment Potential Variation from a Change Event
- Create a Funding Variation from a Change Event
- Create a Main Contract Variation from a Change Event
- Create a Main PV from a Change Event
- Create a Purchase Order from a Change Event
- Create a Subcontract from a Change Event
- Create Budget Changes from a Change Event
- Create Change Events
- Create RFQs from a Change Event
- Delete a Change Event
- (Beta) Delete Change Events
- Edit a Change Event
- Edit Change Events
- (Beta) Email Change Events
- Enable/Disable the Unit-Based Columns on the Change Events Tool
- Export a Change Event
- Import Change Event Line Items from a CSV File
- Link a Bill of Quantities Line Item to a Change Event Line Item
- Record Changes to Production Quantities in a Change Event
- Respond to an RFQ on Behalf of a Collaborator
- Retrieve a Deleted Change Event
- Review RFQ Responses
- Search for and Apply Filters to the Change Events Tool
- Submit a Quote as a Collaborator
- (Legacy) View a Change Event
- (Legacy) View Change Events Summary
- View Change Events
- View, Filter and Search RFQs
- View or Edit Markup Estimates on Change Event Line Items
- Void a Change Event
- Change Events - Videos
- Change Events - Workflow Diagrams
- Variations
- Variations - FAQ
- Variations - User Permissions
- Variations - Release Notes
- Variations - Tutorials
- Add a Related Item to a Commitment Variation
- Approve or Reject a Variation
- Approve or Reject Commitment Variations
- Approve or Reject Main Contract Variations
- Configure Advanced Settings: Variations
- Configure the Number of Variation Tiers on a Project Financials Tool
- Create a Variation
- Create a Variation from a Change Event
- Determine the Order in Which Variations were Approved
- Edit a Variation
- Enable the Variations Tool
- Export a Variation
- Export a List of Variations to CSV or PDF
- Forward a Variation to a Project User by Email
- View Variations
- Variations - Videos
- Variations - Workflow Diagrams
- Client Contracts
- Client Contracts - FAQ
- Client Contracts - User Permissions
- Client Contracts - Tutorials
- About the Client Contracts Tool
- Add a Related Item to a Client Contract Variation
- Add Filters to the Variations Tab on a Client Contract
- Add Financial Markup to Client Contract Variations
- Add Line Items to a Bill of Quantities on a Client Contract
- Approve a Client Contract
- Configure Settings: Client Contracts
- Configure the Number of Client Contract Variation Tiers
- Create a Variation Request for a Client Contract
- Create a Client Contract Variation
- Create a Bill of Quantities on a Client Contract using the Project's Budget
- Create a Commitment Variation from a Client Contract Variation
- Create a Configurable PDF of a MC/Client Payment application in the Client Contracts Tool
- Create a MC/Client Payment application for a Client Contract
- Create a Payment Received for a MC/Client Payment application with the Client Contracts Tool
- Create a Potential Variation for a Client Contract
- Create Client Contracts
- Delete a Client Contract
- Delete a Client Contract Variation
- Edit a Client Contract
- Edit a Commitment Variation Linked to a Potential Variation for a Client Contract
- Edit a Configurable PDF of a MC/Client Payment application in the Client Contracts Tool
- Edit the Advanced Settings on a Client Contract
- Email a Client Contract
- Email a MC/Client Payment application from the Client Contracts Tool
- Email a Potential Variation for a Client Contract
- Enable Financial Markup on a Client Contract
- Export a Client Contract
- Export a Client Contracts List
- Export a Configurable PDF of a MC/Client Payment application from the Client Contracts Tool
- Export a MC/Client Payment application from the Client Contracts Tool
- Import a Client Contract Bill of Quantities from a CSV File
- Manage Rows & Columns in the Client Contracts Tool
- Record Changes to Production Quantities on a Potential Variation for a Client Contract
- Remove a Variation from a Client Contract
- Search for and Apply Filters to the Client Contracts Tool
- Set or Release Retention on a MC/Client Payment application from the Client Contracts Tool
- Update the Bill of Quantities on a Client Contract
- View Client Contracts
- View the Change History of a Client Contract
- Client Contracts - Videos
- Client Contracts - Workflow Diagrams
- Commitments
- Commitments - FAQ
- Commitments - User Permissions
- Commitments - Release Notes
- Commitments - Tutorials
- About the Commitments Tool
- Add a Line Item to a Commitment's Bill of Quantities
- Add a Related Item to a Purchase Order or Subcontract (Legacy)
- Add a Subcontractor BOQ to a Commitment
- Add Financial Markup to Commitment Variations
- Allow Collaborators to Submit Site-initiated Variations
- Approve and Sign a Subcontract
- Change the Privacy Settings for a Commitment
- Complete a Commitment Variation with DocuSign®
- Complete a Commitment Contract with DocuSign®
- Complete Subcontractor Payment Applications with DocuSign®
- Configure Advanced Settings: Commitments
- Configure the Default Privacy Settings for New Commitments
- Configure the Number of Commitment Variation Tiers
- Create a Commitment
- Create a Commitment Variation
- Create a Commitment Potential Variation
- Create a Payment Programme (Legacy)
- Create a Purchase Order (Legacy)
- Create a Subcontract (Legacy)
- Create a Subcontractor Payment application for the Release of Retention (Legacy)
- Create a Payment Application on Behalf of a Payment Application Contact (Legacy)
- Delete a Commitment Variation
- Delete a Commitment Synced with an Integrated ERP System
- Delete a Purchase Order or Subcontract
- Delete a Subcontractor Payment application from the Commitments Tool (Legacy)
- Edit a Commitment
- Edit a Commitment Synced with an Integrated ERP System
- Edit a Purchase Order (Legacy)
- Edit a Subcontract (Legacy)
- Edit the Advanced Settings Tab on a Commitment
- Email a Purchase Order or Subcontract
- Enable Financial Markup on a Commitment
- Enable or Disable the Subcontractor BOQ Tab on a Commitment
- Enable or Disable the Subcontractor BOQ Tab on the Commitments Tool
- Enable Retention on a Purchase Order or Subcontract
- Enable Sliding Scale Retention Rules on Subcontractor Payment applications
- Enable the Payments Issued Tab on a Commitment
- Export a Commitment Variation to an Integrated ERP System
- Export a Commitment
- Export a Commitment to an Integrated ERP System
- Export a Commitments List
- Import Commitment BOQ Line Items from a CSV File
- Manage Rows & Columns in the Commitments Tool
- Request to Reset a Commitment Synced with an Integrated ERP System
- Review a Subcontractor BOQ for a Commitment
- Review a Subcontractor Payment application as an Admin (Legacy)
- Revise & Resubmit a Payment Application as a Payment Application Contact (Legacy)
- Search for and Apply Filters to the Commitments Tool
- Send a CV to ERP Integrations for Accounting Acceptance
- Send a Commitment to ERP Integrations for Accounting Acceptance
- Set or Release Retention on a Subcontractor Payment application (Legacy)
- Submit a Site-initiated Variation as a Collaborator
- Submit a New Payment application as a Payment Application Contact
- Update a Subcontractor Bill of Quantities as a Payment Application Contact from the Commitments Tool (Legacy)
- View a Purchase Order
- View a Subcontract
- View Commitments
- View Inclusions/Exclusions on a Subcontract
- View the Change History of a Commitment
- Commitments - Videos
- Commitments - Workflow Diagrams
- Connection Manager
- Coordination Issues
- Co-ordination Issues - FAQ
- Co-ordination Issues - User Permissions
- Co-ordination Issues - Release Notes
- Co-ordination Issues - Tutorials
- Add or Manage Comments on a Coordination Issue
- Associate a Model with a Procore Project
- Close a Coordination Issue
- Configure Advanced Settings: Coordination Issues
- Create a Coordination Issue
- Create Coordination Issues on a Drawing
- Delete a Coordination Issue
- Download the Procore Co-ordination Issues Plugin for Navisworks®
- Download the Procore Documents Plugin for Autodesk®
- Edit a Coordination Issue
- Elevate a Coordination Issue to an RFI
- Export a List of Coordination Issues
- Getting Started Guide: Documents Plugin for Autodesk®
- Getting Started Guide: Procore Plugin for Co-ordination Issues
- Import Co-ordination Issues from a BCF File
- Import Viewpoints to the Co-Ordination Issues Tool
- Mark a Coordination Issue as Complete
- Mention Users in a Coordination Issue Comment
- Move a Coordination Issue to an Observation
- Reassign a Coordination Issue
- Reassociate a Model with a Procore Project
- Reopen a Coordination Issue
- Retrieve a Coordination Issue from the Recycle Bin
- Save NWD with all Coordination Issues as Viewpoints
- Search for and Filter Coordination Issues
- View Co-ordination Issues
- View the Activity Feed of a Coordination Issue
- View the Coordination Issues Dashboard
- Co-ordination Issues - Videos
- Co-ordination Issues - Workflow Diagrams
- Correspondence
- Correspondence - FAQ
- Correspondence - User Permissions
- Correspondence - Release Notes
- Correspondence - Tutorials
- Add a Related Item to a Correspondence Item
- Archive a Correspondence Item
- Change the Status of a Correspondence Item
- Complete a Correspondence Item with DocuSign®
- Configure Advanced Settings: Correspondence
- Create a Correspondence Item
- Create and Link an RFI, Change Event or a Different Correspondence Item to an Existing Correspondence Item
- Create and Link a New Correspondence Item from a Correspondence Response
- Customise the Column Display in the Correspondence Tool
- Edit a Correspondence Item
- Export a Correspondence Item
- Export a List of Correspondence Items
- Forward a Correspondence Item by Email
- Generate a QR Code for a Correspondence Item
- Getting Started with the Correspondence Tool
- Link a Correspondence Item on a Drawing
- Link an Origin Correspondence Item or Origin RFI to an Existing Correspondence Item
- Perform Bulk Actions on Correspondence Items
- Respond to a Correspondence Item
- Search, Sort and Filter Correspondences
- View a Correspondence Item
- Correspondence - Videos
- Correspondence - Workflow Diagrams
- Crews
- Site Diary
- Site Diary - FAQ
- Site Diary - User Permissions
- Site Diary - Release Notes
- Site Diary - Tutorials
- Add a Photo to a Site Diary Entry so that it Populates in the Photos Tool
- Add a Related Item to a Site Diary Entry
- Approve or Reject Site Diary Entries
- Configure Advanced Settings: Site Diary
- Copy a Site Diary
- Create Accident Entries
- Create Daily Construction Report Entries
- Create Site Diary Entries as a Collaborator
- Create Site Diary Items
- Create Delay Entries
- Create Delivery Entries
- Create Skip Entries
- Create Equipment Entries
- Create Inspection Entries
- Create Manpower Entries
- Create Note Entries
- Create Observed Weather Condition Entries
- Create Pending Entries for Missing Companies
- Create Phone Call Entries
- Create Plan Revision Entries
- Create Productivity Entries
- Create Quantity Entries
- Create Safety Violation Entries
- Create Programmed Work Entries
- Create Timecard Entries
- Create Visitor Entries
- Create Waste Entries
- Site Diary Overview
- Delete a Site Diary Entry
- Delete Related Items from Site Diary Entries
- Edit a Site Diary Entry
- Email a Site Diary
- Enter Logs for a Previous Day
- Export a Site Diary as PDF
- Mark a Site Diary as Complete
- Re-Open a Site Diary
- Search for and Filter the Site Diary
- Upload Photos to the Site Diary
- Upload Photos to the Site Diary from the Photos Tool
- View a Site Diary in the List View
- View a Site Diary's Change History
- View Site Diary Change History
- View Site Diary Notes Report
- View Site Diaries in the Calendar View
- View Pending Site Diary Entries
- Site Diary - Videos
- Site Diary - Workflow Diagrams
- Direct Costs
- Project Directory
- Project Directory - FAQ
- Project Directory - User Permissions
- Project Directory - Release Notes
- Project Directory - Tutorials
- Add a Company to the Project Directory
- Add a Distribution Group to the Project Directory
- Add Project Insurance to a Company Record in the Project Directory
- Add a User Account to the Project Directory
- Assign a Project Permissions Template to a User in the Project Directory
- Bulk Add Users and Companies to a Project Directory
- Change a User's Permissions in the Project Directory
- Configure the Project Team on the Project Home Page
- Configure Advanced Settings: Project Directory
- Create a Project Specific Permissions Template from the Project Directory
- Customise the Column Display in the Project Directory Tool
- Deactivate a Company in the Project Directory
- Delete a Distribution Group from the Project Directory
- Download a vCard for a User Account in the Project Directory
- Edit a Company in the Project Directory
- Edit a Contact in the Project Directory
- Edit a Distribution Group in the Project Directory
- Edit a User Account in the Project Directory
- Enable Programme Notifications for a User on a Project
- Enable Weather Delay Alerts for a User's Phone or Email
- Export the Project Directory to CSV or PDF
- Invite a Batch of Users to Join a Procore Project
- Invite or Reinvite a User to Join a Procore Project
- Perform Bulk Actions on the Project Directory
- Reactivate a Batch of Companies in a Project Directory
- Reactivate a Batch of User Accounts in a Project Directory
- Reactivate a Company in the Project Directory
- Reactivate a Single User Account in the Project Directory
- Remove a Batch of Companies from a Project Directory
- Remove a Batch of User Accounts from a Project Directory
- Remove a Company Record from a Project Directory
- Remove a Single User Account from a Project
- Remove Project Insurance from a Company in the Project Directory
- Search and Filter the Project Directory
- Send a Procore Company to ERP Integrations for Accounting Acceptance
- Set Tenderer Information for a Company in the Project Directory
- Set up a Project Directory
- Switch Between Views in the Project Directory
- View the Project Directory
- Project Directory - Videos
- Project Directory - Workflow Diagrams
- Document Management
- Document Management - FAQ
- Document Management - Getting Started
- Document Management - Getting Started Guide
- Document Management - User Permissions
- Document Management - Release Notes
- Document Management - Tutorials
- About Saved Views in the Document Management Tool
- About the Document Management Tool
- About Workflows in the Document Management Tool
- Add Markups in the Document Management Tool
- Best Practices for Field Team Members Using the Document Management Tool
- Complete Information for Documents in the Document Management Tool
- Configure Settings: Document Management
- Configure Your View in the Document Management Tool
- Create a Permission Group for the Document Management Tool
- Create a Saved View in the Document Management Tool
- Delete a Permission Group in the Document Management Tool
- Delete a Saved View in the Document Management Tool
- Delete Uploaded Documents in the Document Management Tool
- Download Documents from the Document Management Tool
- Duplicate a Permission Group for the Document Management Tool
- Edit a Permission Group for the Document Management Tool
- Edit a Saved View in the Document Management Tool
- Edit Information for Documents in the Document Management Tool
- Edit Revisions in the Document Management Tool
- Edit the Naming Standard for the Document Management Tool
- Edit Upload Requirements for the Document Management Tool
- Edit View Settings
- Export Information from the Document Management Tool
- Import Document Management Files into the Drawings Tool
- Import Field Options for the Document Management Tool
- Manage Configurable Fieldsets and Default Fields for the Document Management Tool
- Manage Users in a Permission Group for the Document Management Tool (Beta)
- Review a Document in a Workflow in the Document Management Tool
- Search for and Filter Documents in the Document Management Tool
- Set a Document Management Permission Group for a New User
- Document Management - Setup Guide
- Share Document Management Files in a Correspondence Item
- Start a Workflow in the Document Management Tool
- Submit Documents in the Document Management Tool
- Upload Documents to the Document Management Tool
- View 3D Models in the Document Management Tool
- View and Download Document Management Files in a Correspondence Item
- View and Manage Document Permissions in the Document Management Tool
- View and Manage Workflow Permissions in the Document Management Tool
- View Change History for Documents in the Document Management Tool
- View Documents in the Document Management Tool
- View Markups in the Document Management Tool
- View Permission Groups for the Document Management Tool
- Document Management - Videos
- Document Management - Workflows
- Project Documents
- Project Documents - FAQ
- Project Documents - User Permissions
- Project Documents - Release Notes
- Project Documents - Tutorials
- Add a Related Item to a File in the Documents Tool
- Add or Edit a File Description in the Project Level Documents Tool
- Change Permission Settings on a Folder or File in the Project Level Documents Tool
- Check Files In or Out in the Project Level Documents Tool
- Configure Advanced Settings: Project Documents
- Create a New Folder in the Project Level Documents Tool
- Create a Standard Project Folder Structure for the Documents Tool
- Delete Files and Folders in the Project Level Documents Tool
- Download a Previous Version of a File in the Project Level Documents Tool
- Download Files and Folders from the Project Level Documents Tool
- Email Files and Folders from the Project Level Documents Tool
- Export Information from the Project Level Documents Tool
- Export Object Data from a Model File
- Manage and Set Tags for a File in the Project Level Documents Tool
- Manage File and Folder Tracking in the Project Level Documents Tool
- Manage Permissions for Files and Folders in the Project Level Documents Tool
- Move Files and Folders in the Project Level Documents Tool
- Open or Edit a File in Microsoft Office 365 Using the Project Level Documents Tool
- Preview a File in the Project Level Documents Tool
- Publish a Model from the Documents Tool
- Publish a New Revision of a Model from the Documents Tool
- Rename a File in the Project Level Documents Tool
- Rename a Folder in the Project Level Documents Tool
- Retrieve Files or Folders from the Project Level Documents Tool's Recycle Bin
- Search for and Filter Project Level Documents
- Sign a Document with DocuSign® in the Project Level Documents Tool
- Sign In to Microsoft Office 365 from the Project Documents Tool
- Sort Document Folder Contents in the Project Level Documents Tool
- Track File and Folder Changes in the Project Level Documents Tool
- Upload a New Version of a File in the Project Level Documents Tool
- Upload a Video to the Project Level Documents Tool
- Upload Files or Folders to the Project Level Documents Tool
- View a File in Microsoft Office 365 Using the Project Level Documents Tool
- View and Download 3D Models in the Documents Tool
- View Documents in the Project Level Documents Tool
- Project Documents - Videos
- Documents - Workflow Diagrams
- Drawings
- Drawings - FAQ
- Drawings - User Permissions
- Drawings - Release Notes
- Drawings - Tutorials
- Add a Drawing Area
- Add a Link to a Drawing
- Add a Related Item to a Drawing
- Add Measurements to a Drawing
- Add Observations to a Drawing
- Add Photos to a Drawing
- Add Snag List Items to a Drawing
- Allow Users To Delete Published Markups
- Automatic Drawing Sheet Linking
- Change a Drawing Version's Number
- Compare Drawing Revisions
- Configure Advanced Settings: Drawings
- Configure Default Drawing Disciplines
- Create a Drawing Set
- Create or Link Co-ordination Issues on a Drawing
- Create or Link RFIs on a Drawing
- Delete a Drawing Area
- Delete a Drawing Set
- Delete Drawing Markups
- Delete Drawings
- Delete Pending or Unpublished Drawings
- Download Drawings
- Edit a Drawing Area
- Edit a Drawing Set's Name or Date
- Edit Drawing Markups
- Edit Drawings
- Email Drawings
- Enable or Disable Drawing Areas
- Export the Drawings Log to a PDF or CSV
- Filter Drawing Markups
- Generate and Print QR Codes for Drawings
- Link Items on a Drawing
- Manage Drawing Log
- Mark Drawings as Obsolete
- Mark Up a Drawing
- Move Drawing Disciplines
- Move Drawings to Another Drawing Area
- Open a Drawing
- Print Drawings
- Publish Drawings
- Publish Personal Drawing Markups
- Rename Drawing Disciplines
- Reorder Drawings Within a Discipline
- Reorder Revisions of a Drawing
- Review and Confirm Drawings
- Search for and Filter Drawings
- Search Text Within Drawings
- Subscribe to the Drawings Log
- Unsubscribe from the Drawings Log
- Upload a Drawing Sketch
- Upload Drawing Revisions
- Upload Drawings
- View Drawings
- View the All Sets and Revisions Report in the Drawings Tool
- View the All Sketches Report
- View the Deleted Drawing Revisions Report
- View the Markup Activity Feed
- View the Measurements Report for Drawings
- Drawings - Videos
- Drawings - Workflow Diagrams
- Emails
- Emails - FAQ
- Emails - User Permissions
- Emails - Release Notes
- Emails - Tutorials
- Apply a Tag to an Email
- Archive an Email
- Configure Advanced Settings: Emails
- Create a Change Event from an Email
- Create a Tag to Filter Emails
- Create an Email
- Delete a Tag from the Emails Tool
- Delete an Email
- Export an Email as a PDF
- Filter Emails by Tag
- Forward an Email Using the Emails Tool
- Make Your Emails Private in Procore
- Mark an Email as Private
- Mark an Email as Spam
- Remove a Tag from an Email
- Reply to an Email Sent from the Emails Tool
- Reply to an Email Using the Emails Tool
- Restore an Archived Email
- Retrieve an Email from the Recycle Bin
- Search Emails in the Emails Tool
- Send An Inbound Email to the Project's Emails Tool
- Set Up Your Outbound Email Signature in the Emails Tool
- Unmark an Email as Spam
- View Emails
- Emails - Videos
- Project Equipment
- Estimating
- Estimating - FAQ
- Estimating - User Permissions
- Estimating - Release Notes
- Estimating - Tutorials
- Add 3D Model Takeoffs Using Auto-Mapping
- Add 3D Model Takeoffs
- Add a Variation for an Estimate
- Add an Estimate
- Add Area or Volume Takeoffs
- Add Inclusions and Exclusions to Estimates
- Add Items to a Cost Catalogue from Estimating
- Add Linear Takeoffs
- Add Takeoffs
- Assign a Budget Code from an Estimate in the Estimating Tool
- Configure Settings: Estimating
- Configure Settings for an Estimate in the Estimating Tab
- Configure Your View for Takeoffs
- Configure Your View in the Estimating Tool
- Copy a Group to Another Project
- Copy or Move a Group to Another Estimate
- Create and Edit Proposal Templates
- Create a Main Contract from an Estimate
- Create a Purchase Order from an Estimate
- Edit a Proposal with the Proposal Builder
- Edit an Estimate
- Export a Proposal
- Generate a Proposal
- Manage Inclusion and Exclusion Libraries for Estimates
- Manage Takeoff Groups
- Manage Takeoffs
- Merge Estimates
- Run Auto Count Takeoffs
- Run Automated Area Takeoffs
- Search for Model Objects in Estimating
- Send a Variation to the Change Events Tool
- Send an Estimate to the Budget
- Set the Drawing Scale for Takeoffs
- View 3D Models in the Estimating Tool
- View an Estimate
- Estimating - Videos
- Forms
- Funding
- Funding - FAQ
- Funding - User Permissions
- Funding - Tutorials
- About the Funding Tool
- Add a Related Item to a Funding Variation
- Add Filters to the Variations Tab on a Funding
- Add Financial Markup to Funding Variations
- Add Line Items to a Bill of Quantities on a Funding
- Approve a Funding
- Complete a Funding with DocuSign®
- Configure Settings: Funding
- Configure the Number of Funding Variation Tiers
- Create a Variation Request for a Funding
- Create a Commitment Variation from a Funding Variation
- Create a Configurable PDF of a Funding Payment application
- Create a Funding Variation
- Create a Funding Payment application (Legacy)
- Create a Payment Received for a Funding
- Create a Potential Variation for a Funding
- Create a Bill of Quantities on a Funding using the Project's Budget
- Create Fundings
- Delete a Funding
- Delete a Funding Variation
- Edit a Commitment Variation Linked to a Potential Variation for a Funding
- Edit a Configurable PDF of a Funding Payment application
- Edit a Funding
- Edit the Advanced Settings on a Funding
- Email a Funding
- Email a Funding Payment application
- Email a Funding Payment application
- Email a Potential Variation for a Funding
- Enable Financial Markup on a Funding
- Export a Configurable PDF of a Funding Payment application
- Export a Funding
- Export a Funding Payment application
- Export a Funding List
- Import a Funding Bill of Quantities from a CSV File
- Manage Rows & Columns in the Funding Tool
- Record Changes to Production Quantities in a Funding Potential Variation
- Remove a Variation from a Funding
- Search for and Apply Filters to the Funding Tool
- Set or Release Retention on a Funding Payment application
- Update the Bill of Quantities on a Funding
- View Fundings
- View the Change History of a Funding
- Funding - Videos
- Funding - Workflow Diagrams
- Home
- Home - FAQ
- Home - User Permissions
- Home - Release Notes
- Home - Tutorials
- About the Project Home Page
- Add Favourites to the Project Tools Menu
- Add, Modify or Remove Project Links on the Project Home Page
- Add Project Dates to the Project Home Page
- Add Project Milestones to the Project Home Page
- Add the Project Team to the Project Home Page
- Change Your Account Language in 'My Profile Settings'
- Configure Advanced Settings: Project Home
- Create an App Configuration in a Project
- Launch an Embedded App in a Project
- Manage 'My Profile Settings'
- Open Items from the Project Overview in the Project's Home Page
- Rearrange the Project Tools Menu
- Search for Items Within a Project Using Procore Search
- Set Up a Persistent Project Message for the Project Home Page
- Show or Hide Project Weather on the Project Home Page
- View API Request Metrics in a Project
- View App Management Metrics in a Project
- View Project Weather on the Home Page
- View Recently Changed Items on a Project
- Home - Videos
- Incidents
- Incidents - FAQ
- Incidents - User Permissions
- Incidents - Release Notes
- Incidents - Tutorials
- Add a Near Miss Record to an Incident
- Add a Property Damage Record to an Incident
- Add a Related Item to an Incident
- Add a Witness Statement to an Incident
- Add an Action to an Incident
- Add an Environmental Record to an Incident
- Add an Injury/Illness Record to an Incident
- Close an Incident
- Configure Advanced Settings: Incidents
- Create an Incident
- Delete an Incident
- Delete an Incident Record
- Edit a Near Miss Record
- Edit an Incident
- Edit an Injury/Illness Record
- Email Incidents
- Export Incidents as a CSV or PDF
- Retrieve an Incident From the Recycle Bin
- Search and Filter Incidents
- View an Incident
- Incidents - Videos
- Incidents - Workflow Diagrams
- Project Inspections
- Project Inspections - FAQ
- Project Inspections - User Permissions
- Project Inspections - Release Notes
- Project Inspections - Tutorials
- Add a Photo to an Inspection so that it Populates in the Photos Tool
- Add a Related Item to an Inspection
- Add Attachments to an Inspection Item
- Add Comments to an Inspection Item
- Add Company Level Inspection Templates to Your Project
- Add Conditional Logic to a Project Level Inspection Template
- Add Signers to an Inspection
- Clone a Project Inspection Template to a Company
- Clone a Project Level Inspection Template
- Close an Inspection
- Configure Advanced Settings: Project Level Inspections
- Create a Project Level Inspection
- Create a Project Level Inspection Template
- Create an Inspection Programme
- Create an Observation from an Inspection
- Customise the Column Display in the Inspections Tool
- Delete an Inspection
- Delete an Inspection Programme
- Delete an Inspection Template
- Edit a Project Level Inspection
- Edit a Project Level Inspection Template
- Edit an Inspection Programme
- Email Inspections
- Enable the Inspections Tool
- Export a List of Inspections
- Export an Individual Inspection
- Group Inspections on the List Page
- Perform an Inspection
- Resize Column Width in the Inspections Tool
- Retrieve a Project Level Inspection Template from Recycle Bin
- Retrieve an Inspection From the Recycle Bin
- Search and Filter for Inspections
- Search and Filter Inspection Programmes
- Sign a Completed Inspection
- Sign an Inspection Item
- View a Project Level Inspection Template
- View Inspection Programmes
- View Project Level Inspections
- View Signatures on an Inspection
- View the Activity Feed of Items in an Inspection
- View the Change History of an Inspection
- Project Inspections - Videos
- Inspections - Workflow Diagrams
- Instructions
- Instructions - FAQ
- Instructions - User Permissions
- Instructions - Release Notes
- Instructions - Tutorials
- Add a Related Item to an Instruction
- Add the Instructions Tool to a Project
- Configure Advanced Settings: Instructions
- Create a Change Event from an Instruction
- Create and Issue an Instruction
- Delete an Instruction
- Edit and Reissue an Instruction
- Export an Instruction
- Export the Instructions List
- Request to Enable the Instructions Tool
- Retrieve an Instruction from the Recycle Bin
- Set User Permissions for the Instructions Tool
- Switch Between Views in the Instructions Tool
- Payment Applications
- Payment applications - FAQ
- Payment applications - User Permissions
- Payment applications - Release Notes
- Payment applications - Tutorials
- About Group Row Billing on Main Contract Payment Applications (Beta)
- About Stored Materials on Payment applications
- About Subcontractor Payment Applications
- Accept or Decline an 'Invite to Bill' as a Payment Application Contact
- Add a New Payment to the Payments Issued Tab of a Commitment
- Add Payment application Contacts to a Purchase Order or Subcontract
- Approve Main Contract Payment Applications (Beta)
- Approve Main Contract Payment Applications (Legacy)
- Best Practices for Creating an Owner Payment application Workflow (Beta)
- Bulk Edit Subcontractor Payment application Status with the Payment Applications Tool
- Compile Subcontractor Payment application Backups with the Payment Applications Tool
- Configure Settings: Payment Applications
- Create a Payment Programme
- Create a Record for a Payment Received
- Create a Subcontractor Payment application
- Create a Subcontractor Bill of Quantities (SBOQ)
- Create a Subcontractor Payment application for Release of Retention in the Payment Applications Tool
- Create a Subcontractor Payment application on Behalf of a Payment Application Contact
- Create Automatic Billing Periods
- Create Manual Billing Periods
- Delete a Subcontractor Payment application
- Delete Main Contract Payment Applications in the Payment Applications Tool (Beta)
- Edit Billing Periods
- Email an Owner Payment application from the Payment Applications Tool (Legacy)
- Enable the Payments Issued Tab for Payment Applications
- Export a Subcontractor Payment Application
- Export an Owner Payment application (Legacy)
- Export the Subcontractor Payment Applications Page
- Forward a Subcontractor Payment application by Email
- Manage Billing Periods
- Preview a Subcontractor Payment application
- Review a Subcontractor Payment application as a Payment Application Administrator
- Revise & Resubmit a Subcontractor Payment application as a Payment Application Contact
- Search, Filter and Group Payment Applications
- Send an 'Invite to Bill' to a Payment Application Contact
- Set or Release Retention on a Subcontractor Payment Application
- Set or Release Retention on an Owner Payment application in the Payment Applications Tool (Legacy)
- Update a Subcontractor Bill of Quantities as a Payment Application Contact from the Payment Applications Tool
- Update and Set Up DocuSign® on an Owner Payment Application
- View the Summary Preview for a Subcontractor Payment application
- Payment applications - Videos
- Payment applications - Workflow Diagrams
- Meetings
- Meetings - FAQ
- Meetings - User Permissions
- Meetings - Release Notes
- Meetings - Tutorials
- Add a Comment to a Meeting Item
- Add a Meeting Category
- Add a Meeting Item
- Add a Meeting To Your Personal Calendar
- Add a Related Item to a Meeting
- Add Meeting Minutes
- Configure Advanced Settings: Meetings
- Configure your View in the Meetings Tool
- Convert a Meeting from Agenda to Minutes Mode
- Create a Change Event from a Meeting
- Create a Follow-up Meeting
- Create a Meeting
- Create a Meeting from a Template
- Delete a Comment on a Meeting Item
- Delete a Meeting Category
- Delete a Meeting
- Delete a Meeting Item
- Distribute a Meeting Agenda
- Distribute and Redistribute Meeting Minutes
- Edit a Meeting
- Edit a Meeting Item
- Email a Meeting
- Export a Meeting as a PDF
- Initiate an Email Communication Thread for a Meeting
- Record the Meeting Attendance
- Reorder Meeting Categories and Items
- Revert a Meeting from Minutes to Agenda Mode
- Search and Filter Meetings
- Star Previous Minutes
- View a Meeting
- View a Previous Meeting's Minutes for a Meeting Item
- View Previous Minutes
- View the Change History of a Meeting
- View the Meetings Recycle Bin
- Meetings - Videos
- Meetings - Workflow Diagrams
- Models
- Models - FAQ
- Models - User Permissions
- Models - Release Notes
- Models - Tutorials
- Add a Section Box to a Model
- Associate a Model with a Procore Project for the Models Tool
- Create a Co-ordination Issue in the Model Viewer
- Delete a Model
- Download the Procore Plugin for the Models Tool
- Edit a Co-ordination Issue in the Model Viewer
- Edit Information for a Model
- Getting Started Guide: 2D Views in the Models Tool
- Publish a Model to Procore
- Publish a New Version of a Model
- Reassociate a Model with a Project for the Models Tool
- Search for and Filter Co-ordination Issues in the Model Viewer
- Search for and Sort Models
- Use the Section Tool on a Model
- View a Model
- View Co-ordination Issues in the Model Viewer
- View the Version History of a Model
- Models - Videos
- Models - Workflow Diagrams
- Observations
- Observations - FAQ
- Observations - User Permissions
- Observations - Release Notes
- Observations - Tutorials
- Add a Comment to an Observation
- Add a Photo to an Observation so that it Populates in the Photos Tool
- Add a Related Item to an Observation
- Add Project Level Observation Types
- Bulk Delete Observations
- Bulk Edit Observations
- Bulk Retrieve Observations
- Close an Observation
- Configure Advanced Settings: Observations
- Create a Change Event from an Observation
- Create a Project Level Observation Template
- Create an Observation
- Customise the Column Display in the Observations Tool
- Deactivate an Observation Template on a Project
- Delete an Observation
- Delete an Observation Template from a Project
- Delete Project Level Observation Types
- Edit an Observation
- Edit Project Level Observation Types
- Email Observations
- Enable the Observations Tool
- Export Observations as a PDF or CSV
- Reject an Observation
- Respond to an Observation
- Retrieve an Observation From the Recycle Bin
- Search for and Filter Observations
- Update the Status of an Observation
- View an Observation
- View Observations by Type
- Observations - Videos
- Observations - Workflow Diagrams
- Photos
- Photos - FAQ
- Photos - User Permissions
- Photos - Release Notes
- Photos - Tutorials
- Add a Comment to a Photo
- Add a Description to a Photo
- Bulk Edit Photos
- Configure Advanced Settings: Photos
- Create a Photo Album
- Delete a Photo Album
- Delete a Photo from the Recycle Bin
- Delete Photos
- Download Photos
- Email Photos (Inbound)
- Email Photos (Outbound)
- Export Photos as a PDF
- Find Starred (Favorited) Photos
- Mark a Photo as Private
- Mark an Album as Private
- Mention Someone in a Photo Comment
- Move Photos
- Rename an Album
- Reorder Photo Albums
- Retrieve a Photo from the Recycle Bin
- Rotate Photos
- Search for and Filter Photos
- Select an Album Cover Photo
- Set a Project Photo
- Set Photo Location
- Set Photo Trade
- Star a Photo
- Subscribe to Photos
- Upload Photos
- View Photos
- Photos - Videos
- Photos - Workflow Diagrams
- Main Contracts
- Main Contracts - FAQ
- Main Contracts - User Permissions
- Main Contracts - Release Notes
- Resources
- Main Contracts - Tutorials
- About Main Contract Payment Applications (Beta)
- Add a Related Item to a Main Contract Variation
- Add Filters to the Variations Tab on a Main Contract
- Add Financial Markup to Main Contract Variations
- Add Line Items to a Bill of Quantities on a Main Contract
- Approve a Main Contract
- (Beta) Approve Main Contracts
- (Beta) Create Main Contracts
- (Beta) View Main Contracts
- Complete a Potential Variation for a Main Contract with DocuSign®
- Complete a Main Contract Variation with DocuSign®
- Complete a Main Contract with DocuSign®
- Complete Owner Payment Applications with DocuSign®
- (Beta) Configure a Main Contract's Advanced Settings
- Configure Settings: Main Contracts
- Configure the Number of Main Contract Variation Tiers
- Create a Variation Request for a Main Contract
- Create a Commitment Variation from a Main Contract Variation
- Create a Configurable PDF of an Owner Payment application (Legacy)
- Create a Payment Received for a Main Contract
- Create a Potential Variation for a Main Contract
- Create a Main Contract Variation
- Create a Bill of Quantities on a Main Contract using the Project's Budget
- Create an Owner Payment application (Legacy)
- Create Main Contract Payment Applications (Beta)
- (Beta) Create Main Contract Variations
- Create Main Contracts
- Delete a Main Contract
- Delete a Main Contract Variation
- Delete Main Contract Payment Applications in the Main Contracts Tool (Beta)
- (Beta) Delete Main Contracts
- Edit a Commitment Variation Linked to a Potential Variation for a Main Contract
- Edit a Configurable PDF of an Owner Payment application (Legacy)
- Edit a Main Contract
- Edit Main Contract Payment Applications (Beta)
- (Beta) Edit Main Contracts
- Edit the Advanced Settings on a Main Contract
- Email a Potential Variation for a Main Contract
- Email a Main Contract
- Email an Owner Payment application from the Main Contracts Tool (Legacy)
- Email Main Contract Payment Applications
- Enable Financial Markup on a Main Contract
- Export a Configurable PDF of an Owner Payment application (Legacy)
- Export a List of Main Contracts
- Export a Main Contract
- (Beta) Export a Main Contracts List
- Export Main Contract Payment Applications
- (Beta) Export Main Contracts
- Import a Main Contract BOQ from a CSV File
- Manage Rows & Columns in the Main Contracts Tool
- Record Changes to Production Quantities on a Potential Variation for a Main Contract
- Remove a Variation from a Main Contract
- Search for and Apply Filters to the Main Contracts Tool
- Set or Release Retention on an Owner Payment application in the Main Contracts Tool (Legacy)
- Update the Bill of Quantities on a Main Contract
- (Beta) View a Main Contract's Change History
- (Beta) View a Main Contract's Variations
- (Beta) View a Main Contract's Main Contract Payment Applications
- View a Summary Preview of an Owner Payment application (Beta)
- View Main Contracts
- View the Change History of a Main Contract
- Main Contracts - Videos
- Main Contracts - Workflow Diagrams
- Progress Billings
- Progress Billings - FAQ
- Progress Billings - User Permissions
- Progress Billings - Tutorials
- About Progress Billings
- Add a New Payment to the Payments Issued Tab of a Commitment
- Add Payment application Contacts to a Purchase Order or Subcontract from the Progress Billings Tool
- Bulk Edit the Status of Subcontractor Payment applications in the Progress Billings Tool
- Bulk Send Subcontractor Payment applications to DocuSign® from the Progress Billings Tool
- Compile Progress Billing Backups
- (Beta) Configure a Custom Workflow for Subcontractor Payment applications on a Project
- Configure Settings: Progress Billings
- Create a Payment Received for a MC/Client Payment application with the Progress Billings Tool
- Create a Payment Programme from the Progress Billings Tool
- Create a Subcontractor Payment application for Release of Retention in the Progress Billings Tool
- Create a Subcontractor Payment application on Behalf of a Payment Application Contact (Beta)
- Create Automatic Billing Periods in the Progress Billings Tool
- Create Billing Periods in the Progress Billings Tool
- Create Manual Billing Periods for Progress Billing
- Delete a Subcontractor Payment application from the Progress Billings Tool
- Edit a Billing Period for Progress Billing
- Edit a Configurable PDF of a MC/Client Payment application in the Progress Billings Tool
- Email a MC/Client Payment application from the Progress Billings Tool
- Enable the Payments Issued Tab on a Commitment from the Progress Billings Tool
- Export a MC/Client Payment application from the Progress Billings Tool
- Export a Subcontractor Payment application from the Progress Billings Tool
- Export the Subcontractor Invoicing Page from the Progress Billings Tool
- Forward a Subcontractor Payment application by Email from the Progress Billings Tool
- (Beta) Manage Rows and Columns in a Payment Application's Bill of Quantities
- Preview a Subcontractor Payment application from the Progress Billings Tool
- (Beta) Review a Subcontractor Payment application as an Admin from the Progress Billings Tool
- Revise & Resubmit a Payment Application as a Payment Application Contact in the Progress Billings Tool
- Search, Filter and Group Payment applications in the Progress Billings Tool
- Send an 'Invite to Bill' to a Payment Application Contact from the Progress Billings Tool
- Set or Release Retention for All Line Items on a MC/Client Payment application from the Progress Billings Tool
- Set Retention on a Subcontractor Payment application as a Payment Application Administrator in the Progress Billings Tool
- (Beta) Submit a New Payment application as a Payment Application Contact for a Progress Billing
- Update a Subcontractor Bill of Quantities as a Payment Application Administrator from the Progress Billings Tool
- Update a Subcontractor Bill of Quantities as a Payment Application Contact from the Progress Billings Tool
- Update and Set Up DocuSign® on a MC/Client Payment application with the Progress Billings Tool
- (Beta) View the Summary Preview for a Subcontractor Payment application from the Progress Billings Tool
- Progress Billings - Videos
- Progress Billings - Workflow Diagrams
- Project Overview
- Project Overview - FAQ
- Project Overview - Permissions
- Project Overview - Release Notes
- Project Overview - Tutorials
- About the Project Overview
- Add, Edit or Delete Project Details from the Project Overview
- Add, Edit or Delete Project Links from the Project Overview
- Add, Edit or Delete the Project Message and Notes from the Project Overview
- Change the Project Stage from the Project Overview
- Manage Project Team Roles from the Project Overview
- Quick Create an Item from the Project Overview
- View Open Items from the Project Overview
- View Project Details from the Project Overview
- View Project Weather from the Project Overview
- View Recent Project Activity from the Project Overview
- Project Overview - Videos
- Snag List
- Snag List - FAQ
- Snag List - User Permissions
- Snag List - Release Notes
- Snag List - Tutorials
- Add Comments to Snag List Items
- Add a Photo to a Snag List item so that it Populates in the Photos Tool
- Close a Snag List Item
- Configure Advanced Settings: Snag List
- Create a Project Level Snag Item Template
- Create a Snag Item Template Category at the Project Level
- Create a Snag List Item
- Customise the Column Display in the Snag List Tool
- Deactivate a Snag Item Template on a Project
- Delete a Snag Item Template Category at the Project Level
- Delete a Snag Item Template from a Project
- Delete a Snag List Item
- Edit a Project Level Snag List Template
- Edit a Snag Item Template Category at the Project Level
- Edit a Snag List Item
- Email Snag Items to Any User
- Export a Snag List Item as a PDF
- Export the Snag List Log
- Export the Snag List Log as a CSV
- Import Snag List Items
- Notify Assignees of Snag List Items
- Perform Bulk Actions on Snag List Items
- Request a Snag List Import
- Respond to a Snag List Item
- Retrieve Deleted Snag List Items from the Recycle Bin
- Search and Filter the Snag List
- View Snag List Items
- View All Snag List Items
- View the Change History of a Single Snag List Item
- View the Snag List Dashboard
- Snag List - Videos
- Snag List - Workflow Diagrams
- Project Reports
- Project Reports - FAQ
- Project Reports - User Permissions
- Project Reports - Release Notes
- Project Reports - Tutorials
- Add a Visual to a Custom Project Report
- Aggregate Data in a Custom Project Report
- Clone a Custom Project Report
- Configure Advanced Settings: Project Reports
- Create a Calculated Column in a Custom Project Report
- Create a Custom Financial Line Items Report to Compare Budget Snapshots
- Create a Custom Project Report
- Create a Custom Project Report Dashboard
- Create an Allowance and/or Contingency Report
- Delete a Custom Project Report
- Distribute a Snapshot of a Custom Project Report
- Edit a Project Level Custom Report
- Enhanced Reporting: Clone a Project Report
- Enhanced Reporting: Create a Calculated Column in a Project Report
- Enhanced Reporting: Create a Custom Project Report
- Enhanced Reporting: Create a Custom Project Report Using a Template
- Enhanced Reporting: Delete a Project Report
- Enhanced Reporting: Distribute a Snapshot of a Project Report
- Enhanced Reporting: Edit a Project Report
- Enhanced Reporting: Export a Project Report
- Enhanced Reporting: Share a Project Report
- Enhanced Reporting: View a Project Report
- Export a Custom Project Report
- Share a Custom Project Report
- Share a Custom Project Report Dashboard
- View a Project Report
- Project Reports - Videos
- RFIs
- RFIs - FAQ
- RFIs - User Permissions
- RFIs - Release Notes
- RFIs - Tutorials
- Add a Related Item to an RFI
- Add Assignees to an RFI as an Assignee on an RFI
- Choose an "Official Response" for an RFI
- Close an RFI
- Configure a Prefix and Starting Number for RFIs
- Configure Advanced Settings: RFIs
- Create a Change Event from an RFI
- Create a Correspondence Item from an RFI
- Create a Potential Variation from an RFI
- Create an Instruction from an RFI
- Create an RFI
- Create and View an RFI Report
- Customise the Column Display in the RFIs Tool
- Delete a Response to an RFI
- Delete an RFI
- Designate the Default RFI Manager for a Project's RFIs
- Edit a Custom RFI Report
- Edit an RFI
- Export an RFI
- Export RFIs to CSV or PDF
- Forward an RFI by Email
- Forward an RFI for Review
- Perform Bulk Actions on RFIs
- Reopen an RFI
- Resize the Column Width in the RFIs Log
- Respond to an RFI
- Retrieve an RFI from the Recycle Bin
- Search for and Filter RFIs
- Share a Custom RFI Report
- Shift the Action Required By on an RFI
- View RFIs
- View the Change History of an RFI
- View the Distribution History of a Custom RFI Report
- RFIs - Videos
- RFIs - Workflow Diagrams
- Project Programme
- Project Programme - FAQ
- Project Programme - User Permissions
- Project Programme - Release Notes
- Project Programme - Tutorials
- Add Related Items to a Programmed Task
- Add and Manage Subtasks for a Lookahead Programme
- Allow Users to Update the Project Programme's 'Percent Complete' Field
- Assign Resources to Microsoft Project Users
- Clear an Integrated Programme
- Configure Advanced Settings: Project Programme
- Configure Programme Notification Emails
- Create a Calendar Item
- Create a Lookahead Programme
- Delete a Calendar Item
- Disable Weekly Project and Resource Programme Emails
- Edit a Calendar Item
- Export a Project Programme
- Request a Programme Change
- Review Programme Change Requests
- Search for and Filter Programme Tasks
- Send Weekly Project, Resource and Programme Lookaheads Emails
- Update and Upload a Project Programme File
- Upload a Project Programme File to Procore's Web Application
- View a Gantt Programme
- View a Project Programme
- View a Programme Task
- View Lookahead Programmes
- View the Activity Feed for Lookahead Programs
- View the Change History of Lookaheads
- Project Programme - Videos
- Programme - Workflow Diagrams
- Specifications
- Specifications - Release Notes
- Specifications - Tutorials
- Add a Related Item to a Specification
- Configure Advanced Settings: Specifications
- Create a Specification Set
- Delete Pending Specification Uploads
- Delete Specification Section Revisions
- Download Specifications
- Edit Specification Sections and Divisions
- Email Specifications
- Enable the Specifications Tool
- Export Specifications as a PDF or CSV
- Submittal Builder: Generate Submittals from Specifications
- Manage Specification Log
- Manually Create Divisions
- Manually Create Specification Sections
- Mark Specifications as Obsolete
- Open Specifications
- Review and Publish Specifications
- Search for and Filter Specifications
- Search Text Within Specifications
- Submittal Builder: Add Submittals
- Submittal Builder: Configure Submittal Titles
- Upload Specification Revisions
- Upload Specifications
- View a Report of All Specification Revisions
- View Change History for Specifications
- View the Deleted Specifications Report
- View Specifications
- Specifications - Workflow Diagrams
- Submittals
- Best Practices: Submittals
- Best Practices: Company Level Submittal Settings
- Best Practices: Submittal Builder
- Best Practices: Submittal Imports
- Best Practices: Submittal Packages - Creation and Review
- Best Practices: Submittal Packages - Distribution and Revision
- Best Practices: Submittal Packages - Introduction
- Best Practices: Submittal Packages - Submittal Itemization
- Best Practices: Submittal Project Configurations
- Best Practices: Submittal Workflow Management
- Submittals - FAQ
- Submittals - User Permissions
- Submittals - Release Notes
- Submittals - Tutorials
- Add Related Items to a Submittal
- Add a Related Item to a Submittal Package
- Add an Existing Submittal to a Submittal Package
- Add a Submitter and Approvers to the Submittal Workflow
- Apply a Submittal Workflow Template to a Submittal
- Bulk Edit Submittals in a Package
- Change the Action Required By on a Submittal
- Close a Submittal
- Configure Settings: Submittals Tool
- Create a Custom Submittals Report
- Create a New Submittal in a Submittal Package
- Create a Submittal
- Create a Submittal Package
- Create a Submittal Revision
- Customise the Column Display in the Submittals Tool
- Delete a Custom Submittal Report
- Delete a Submittal
- Delete a Submittal Package
- Delete Attachments from the Submittal Workflow
- Designate the 'Default Submittal Manager' for the Submittals Tool
- Distribute a Submittal
- Distribute the Submittals in a Package
- Download a Submittal's Attachments
- Download the Submittals Import Template
- Duplicate a Submittal
- Edit a Custom Submittal Report
- Edit a Submittal
- Edit a Submittal Package
- Edit a Submittal Response
- Enable Submittal Programme Calculations
- Enable the Submittals Tool
- Export a Custom Submittals Report
- Export a Submittal
- Export a Submittal Package
- Export the Submittals Log
- Forward a Submittal by Email
- Forward a Submittal for Review
- Generate a PDF of a Submittal in a List
- Generate a QR Code for a Submittal
- Manage Custom Submittal Responses
- Manage Personal Submittal Markup Stamps
- Manage Submittal Workflow Templates
- Mark a Submittal as Private
- Bulk Review Submittals in a Package
- Perform Bulk Actions on Submittals
- Redistribute a Submittal
- Remove a Submitter or Approver from the Submittal Workflow
- Rename a Submittal PDF Attachment
- Resend the Submittals in a Package for Review
- Resize the Column Width in the Submittals Log
- Respond to a Forwarded Submittal as a Reviewer
- Respond to a Submittal as an Approver
- Respond to an Action Required Email for a Submittal Package as an Approver
- Retrieve a Submittal from the Recycle Bin
- Review Submittal PDF Attachments
- Search for and Filter Submittals
- Send a Completed Submittals Import Template to Procore
- Send the Submittals in a Package for Review
- Set Up Submittal Programme Calculations
- Share a Custom Submittal Report
- Switch Between Submittals Views
- Update the Submittals Import Template
- Upload and Submit a Submittal
- Use Bulk Actions > Apply Workflow in the Submittals Tool
- Use Bulk Actions > Delete in the Submittals Tool
- Use Bulk Actions > Edit in the Submittals Tool
- Use Bulk Actions > Retrieve in the Submittals Tool
- View a Submittal
- View a Submittal Package
- View Submittal Attachments
- View the Change History of a Submittal
- View the Submittal Approvers Response Time Report
- Submittals - Videos
- Submittals - Workflow Diagrams
- Best Practices: Submittals
- Tasks
- Project Timesheets
- Project Timesheets - FAQ
- Project Timesheets - User Permissions
- Project Timesheets - Release Notes
- Project Timesheets - Tutorials
- Add a Crew to a Timesheet
- Add Employees to a Timesheet
- Add Quantities to a Timesheet
- Approve a Timesheet
- Best Practices For Configuring Timesheets
- Bulk Enter Timecard Entries on a Timesheet
- Configure Advanced Settings: Project Level Timesheets
- Copy a Previous Timesheet
- Create a Timesheet
- Delete a Timesheet
- Delete Budgeted Labour Hours and Budgeted Production Quantities
- Delete Quantities on a Timesheet
- Edit a Timesheet
- Edit Quantities on a Timesheet
- Export a Project's Timesheets
- Export the Field Production Report
- Export the Labour Budget to Actual Report
- Import a Unit Quantity Based Budget
- Resource Tracking and Unit Quantity Based Budget: Setup Guide
- Review a Timesheet
- Search for and Filter Project Level Timesheets
- Set Up a Field Production Report
- View a Field Production Report
- View a Labour Budget to Actual Report
- View a Timesheet
- View a Timesheet Entry Signature
- View Quantities on a Timesheet
- View the Change History of a Timesheet
- Project Timesheets - Videos
- Project Timesheets - Workflow Diagrams
- Daywork Sheets
- Daywork Sheets - FAQ
- Daywork Sheets - User Permissions
- Daywork Sheets - Release Notes
- Daywork Sheets - Tutorials
- Add a Daywork Sheet to a Change Event
- Add Equipment Entries on a Daywork Sheet
- Add Worker and Employee Entries on a Daywork Sheet
- Best Practices for Configuring Daywork Sheets
- Close or Reopen a Daywork Sheet
- Configure Advanced Settings: Daywork Sheets
- Create a Change Event from a Daywork Sheet
- Create a Daywork Sheet
- Delete a Daywork Sheet
- Edit a Daywork Sheet
- Export a Daywork Sheet as a PDF
- Import a Timecard into a Daywork Sheet
- Manage Daywork Sheets
- Remove a Change Event Associated with a Daywork Sheet
- Request a Signature on a Daywork Sheet
- Retrieve a Daywork Sheet from the Recycle Bin
- Search and Filter Daywork Sheets
- Sign a Daywork Sheet
- View a Daywork Sheet
- Daywork Sheets - Videos
- Daywork Sheets - Workflow Diagrams
- Transmittals
- Transmittals - FAQ
- Transmittals - User Permissions
- Transmittals - Release Notes
- Transmittals - Tutorials
- Add a Related Item to a Transmittal
- Add Items to a Transmittal
- Configure Advanced Settings: Transmittals
- Create a Transmittal
- Customise the Column Display in the Transmittals Tool
- Delete a Transmittal
- Edit a Transmittal
- Export a Transmittal Letter to PDF
- Export the Transmittals Log to CSV
- Export the Transmittals Log to PDF
- Forward a Transmittal by Email
- Resize Column Width in the Transmittals Log
- Retrieve a Transmittal from the Recycle Bin
- Search for Transmittals
- View a Transmittal
- View the Email Correspondence for a Transmittal
- Action Plans
- Company Level
- Work Breakdown Structure
- Portfolio Financials and Capital Planning
- Portfolio Financials - FAQ
- Portfolio Financials - Release Notes
- Portfolio Financials - User Guide
- Account and Company Settings (Portfolio Financials)
- Approval Workflows (Portfolio Financials)
- Approval Workflows - FAQ (Portfolio Financials)
- Approval Workflows - User Permissions (Portfolio Financials)
- Approval Workflows - Tutorials (Portfolio Financials)
- Assign an Approval Workflow Template to a Building in Portfolio Financials
- Create an Approval Workflow Template in Portfolio Financials
- Delete an Approval Workflow Template in Portfolio Financials
- Edit an Approval Workflow Template in Portfolio Financials
- Remove an Approval Workflow Template from a Building in Portfolio Financials
- Search for Approval Workflow Templates in Portfolio Financials
- View Approval Workflow Templates in Portfolio Financials
- Approval Workflows - Videos (Portfolio Financials)
- Tender Room (Portfolio Financials)
- Tender Room - FAQ (Portfolio Financials)
- Tender Room - User Permissions (Portfolio Financials)
- Tender Room - Tutorials (Portfolio Financials)
- Add a Tender for a Vendor in Portfolio Financials
- Add a Member to the Tender Room Team in Portfolio Financials
- Add or Manage Documents for a Tender Room in Portfolio Financials
- Assign an RFI to Tender Room Team Member in Portfolio Financials
- Best Practices for Tender Room Collaborators in Portfolio Financials
- Compare Tender in Portfolio Financials
- Complete Trade Setup Details for a Tender Room in Portfolio Financials
- Create a Tender Form in Portfolio Financials
- Create a Tender Room in Portfolio Financials
- Delete an RFI in Portfolio Financials
- Edit an RFI in Portfolio Financials
- Edit the 'Invitation to Tender' Email in Portfolio Financials
- Edit Trade Setup Details for a Tender Room in Portfolio Financials
- Export RFIs from a Tender Room in Portfolio Financials
- Freeze or Unfreeze a Tenderer in Portfolio Financials
- Invite Tenderers to a Tender Room in Portfolio Financials
- Post an Answer to an RFI in Portfolio Financials
- Post an RFI in Portfolio Financials
- Preview a Tender as a Tenderer in Portfolio Financials
- Remove a Tenderer from a Tender Room in Portfolio Financials
- Remove Tenderer Contacts from a Tender Room in Portfolio Financials
- Resend an Invitation to Tender in Portfolio Financials
- Restore a Deleted RFI in Portfolio Financials
- Revise a Tender Form in Portfolio Financials
- Select a Tenderer to Award a Contract to in Portfolio Financials
- Send a Message to Tenderers in Portfolio Financials
- Set Up a Contract Room from a Tender Room in Portfolio Financials
- Unassign an RFI in Portfolio Financials
- Unlock Tender in a Sealed Tender Room in Portfolio Financials
- View Tender in Portfolio Financials
- View Messages and Activity for a Tender Room in Portfolio Financials
- Tender Room - Videos (Portfolio Financials)
- Contract Room (Portfolio Financials)
- Contract Room - FAQ (Portfolio Financials)
- Contract Room - User Permissions (Portfolio Financials)
- Contract Room - Tutorials (Portfolio Financials)
- Add a Variation in Portfolio Financials
- Add a Payment Application in Portfolio Financials
- Add Non-Contract Payment Applications in Portfolio Financials
- Add Owner Team Contacts to the Contract Room in Portfolio Financials
- Add Vendor Team Contacts to the Contract Room in Portfolio Financials
- Adjust Retention by Line Item in Portfolio Financials
- Approve or Reject a Variation in Portfolio Financials
- Approve or Reject a Payment Application in Portfolio Financials
- Create a Contract Room in Portfolio Financials
- Delete a Payment Application in Portfolio Financials
- Download a Bill of Quantities PDF for a Contract in Portfolio Financials
- Download Contract Documents in Portfolio Financials
- Edit a Variation in Portfolio Financials
- Edit a Contract in Portfolio Financials
- Edit a Payment Application in Portfolio Financials
- Enable Cost Breakdown for a Contract in Portfolio Financials
- Export a Contract in Portfolio Financials
- Remove a Team Contact from the Contract Room in Portfolio Financials
- Send a Payment Application to Accounts Payable in Portfolio Financials
- Send Messages from the Contract Room in Portfolio Financials
- Set Retention for a Contract in Portfolio Financials
- Share a Contract in Portfolio Financials
- Undo the Rejection of a Payment Application in Portfolio Financials
- Unshare a Contract in Portfolio Financials
- View the Contract Room in Portfolio Financials
- Contract Room - Videos (Portfolio Financials)
- Cost Allocations (Portfolio Financials)
- Cost Allocations - FAQ (Portfolio Financials)
- Cost Allocations - User Permissions (Portfolio Financials)
- Cost Allocations - Tutorials (Portfolio Financials)
- Add a Component to a Project in Portfolio Financials
- Add Allocation Rules for Components in Portfolio Financials
- Associate an Allocation Rule with an Item in Portfolio Financials
- Edit a Component for a Project in Portfolio Financials
- Enable Cost Allocations and Components for a Project in Portfolio Financials
- View Details of an Allocation Rule in Portfolio Financials
- Cost Tracker (Portfolio Financials)
- Cost Tracker - FAQ (Portfolio Financials)
- Cost Tracker - User Permissions (Portfolio Financials)
- Cost Tracker - Tutorials (Portfolio Financials)
- Add a Budget to a Project in Portfolio Financials
- Add a Contract to a Cost Item in Portfolio Financials
- Add a Cost Item to the Cost Tracker in Portfolio Financials
- Add a Revision to a Budget in Portfolio Financials
- Add a Section to the Cost Tracker in Portfolio Financials
- Add or Manage Holds in Portfolio Financials
- Add or Manage Bill of Quantities for a Budget in Portfolio Financials
- Add or Manage Bill of Quantities for a Cost Item in Portfolio Financials
- Apply a Template to the Cost Tracker in Portfolio Financials
- Break Down an Overall Project Budget in Portfolio Financials
- Change Columns on the Cost Tracker in Portfolio Financials
- Create and Publish a Cash Flow Forecast in Portfolio Financials and Capital Planning
- Delete Cost Items from the Cost Tracker in Portfolio Financials
- Delete Sections from the Cost Tracker in Portfolio Financials
- Edit Cost Items on the Cost Tracker in Portfolio Financials
- Edit Sections on the Cost Tracker in Portfolio Financials
- Export a Project Budget in Portfolio Financials
- Export the Cost Tracker in Portfolio Financials
- Rename a Cost Item on the Cost Tracker in Portfolio Financials
- Spread Cash Flow Forecasts in Portfolio Financials and Capital Planning
- View a Cash Flow Forecast in Portfolio Financials and Capital Planning
- View Published Budget History for a Project in Portfolio Financials
- View the Budget for a Project in Portfolio Financials
- View the Cost Tracker in Portfolio Financials
- Dashboard (Portfolio Financials)
- Dashboard - FAQ (Portfolio Financials)
- Dashboard - User Permissions (Portfolio Financials)
- Dashboard - Tutorials (Portfolio Financials)
- Add a New Project in Portfolio Financials
- Add Comments for Projects from the Dashboard in Portfolio Financials
- Add or Manage Project Types in Portfolio Financials
- Archive a Project in Portfolio Financials
- Delete a Project in Portfolio Financials
- Edit a Project from the Dashboard in Portfolio Financials
- Mark a Project as Complete from the Dashboard in Portfolio Financials
- Search for and Filter Projects in Portfolio Financials
- View Projects on the Dashboard in Portfolio Financials
- Dashboard - Videos (Portfolio Financials)
- Documents (Portfolio Financials)
- Documents - FAQ (Portfolio Financials)
- Documents - User Permissions (Portfolio Financials)
- Documents - Tutorials (Portfolio Financials)
- Add Documents to the Project Page in Portfolio Financials
- Apply a Folder Template for Project Documents in Portfolio Financials
- Copy Documents to a Tender Room in Portfolio Financials
- Create a New Folder for Project Documents in a Portfolio Financials
- Delete a Document Folder from the Project Page in Portfolio Financials
- Delete a Document from the Project Page in Portfolio Financials
- Download Documents from the Project Page in Portfolio Financials
- Edit the Name of a File or Folder in the Documents Section of Portfolio Financials
- Move a Document to Another Folder in Portfolio Financials
- View Documents on the Project Page in Portfolio Financials
- Milestones (Portfolio Financials)
- Milestones - FAQ (Portfolio Financials)
- Milestones - User Permissions (Portfolio Financials)
- Milestones - Tutorials (Portfolio Financials)
- Add a Dependency for a Milestone in Portfolio Financials
- Add a Milestone to a Project in Portfolio Financials
- Apply a Milestone Template to a Project in Portfolio Financials
- Delete a Milestone in Portfolio Financials
- Edit a Milestone in Portfolio Financials
- Mark a Milestone as Complete in Portfolio Financials
- Set Notifications for a Milestone in Portfolio Financials
- View Milestones in Portfolio Financials
- View Revision History for Milestones in Portfolio Financials
- Milestones - Videos (Portfolio Financials)
- Our Team and Vendors (Portfolio Financials)
- Our Team and Vendors - FAQ (Portfolio Financials)
- Our Team and Vendors - User Permissions (Portfolio Financials)
- Our Team and Vendors - Tutorials (Portfolio Financials)
- Add a Team Member in Portfolio Financials
- Add a Vendor in Portfolio Financials
- Add Contacts as References for Vendors in Portfolio Financials
- Add Vendor Contacts in Portfolio Financials
- Edit a Vendor in Portfolio Financials
- Export Vendor Information in Portfolio Financials
- Manage Permissions for Team Members in Portfolio Financials
- Remove a Team Member in Portfolio Financials
- Search for and Filter Vendors in Portfolio Financials
- View Vendors in Portfolio Financials
- Planning (Portfolio Financials)
- Planning - FAQ (Portfolio Financials)
- Planning - User Permissions (Portfolio Financials)
- Planning - Tutorials (Portfolio Financials)
- Add a Variance Explanation in Portfolio Financials and Capital Planning
- Edit a Capital Plan in Portfolio Financials and Capital Planning
- Enter a Planned Spend in Portfolio Financials and Capital Planning
- Export a Capital Plan in Portfolio Financials and Capital Planning
- Save and Manage Versions of Capital Plans in Portfolio Financials and Capital Planning
- Set Up a Capital Plan in Portfolio Financials and Capital Planning
- View a Capital Plan in Portfolio Financials and Capital Planning
- Project Page (Portfolio Financials)
- Project Page - FAQ (Portfolio Financials)
- Project Page - User Permissions (Portfolio Financials)
- Project Page - Tutorials (Portfolio Financials)
- Close Out a Project in Portfolio Financials
- Configure and Export a Project Cost Report in Portfolio Financials
- Edit a Project in Portfolio Financials
- Enable Tenant Improvement Allowance for a Project in Portfolio Financials
- Review Vendors in Portfolio Financials
- Unarchive a Project in Portfolio Financials
- Update the Stage of a Project in Portfolio Financials
- View the Comments and Activity Feed in Portfolio Financials
- Project Team (Portfolio Financials)
- Reporting (Portfolio Financials)
- Reporting - FAQ (Portfolio Financials)
- Reporting - User Permissions (Portfolio Financials)
- Reporting - Tutorials (Portfolio Financials)
- Compare Projects in Portfolio Financials and Capital Planning
- Create a Cost Item Detail Report in Portfolio Financials and Capital Planning
- Create a Custom Report in Portfolio Financials and Capital Planning
- Create a Payment Application Report in Portfolio Financials and Capital Planning
- Generate a Project Status Report in Portfolio Financials and Capital Planning
- Merge Rows for a Project Comparison in Portfolio Financials and Capital Planning
- Resources for Vendors (Portfolio Financials)
- Vendors - FAQ (Portfolio Financials)
- Vendors - User Permissions (Portfolio Financials)
- Vendors - Tutorials (Portfolio Financials)
- Add a Tendering Team Contact to a Tender Room for a Portfolio Financials Project
- Decline an Invitation to Tender for a Portfolio Financials Project
- Message the Project Team from the Tender Room for a Portfolio Financials Project
- Submit a Tender for a Portfolio Financials Project
- Submit a Variation for a Portfolio Financials Project
- Submit a Payment Application for a Portfolio Financials Project
- Submit an RFI for a Portfolio Financials Project
- Portfolio Financials and Capital Planning User Permissions Matrix
- Procore API
- Procore BIM Plugins
- Procore Construction Network
- Procore Construction Network - FAQ
- Procore Construction Network - User Permissions
- Procore Construction Network - Release Notes
- Procore Construction Network - Tutorials
- Complete Your Company Profile for the Procore Construction Network
- Display or Hide Your Activity Metrics on the Procore Construction Network
- Edit Your Profile Visibility for the Procore Construction Network
- Invite Companies to Join the Procore Construction Network
- Search for Businesses on the Procore Construction Network
- Procore Construction Network - Videos
- Procore Drive
- About Procore Drive
- Documents (Procore Drive)
- Documents - FAQ (Procore Drive)
- Documents - User Permissions (Procore Drive)
- Documents - Tutorials (Procore Drive)
- Check Out/In a File in Procore Drive
- Delete a Folder/File in Procore Drive
- Download Folders from Procore Drive
- Download Files from Procore Drive
- Edit Files in Procore Drive
- Lock/Unlock a Folder/File in Procore Drive
- Open Files in Procore Drive
- Rename a File in Procore Drive
- Rename a Folder in Procore Drive
- Track/Untrack a File in Procore Drive
- Upload Files into a Folder in Procore Drive
- Emails (Procore Drive)
- Photos (Procore Drive)
- Procore Drive - Release Notes
- Programme (Procore Drive)
- Programme - FAQ (Procore Drive)
- Programme - User Permissions (Procore Drive)
- Programme - Tutorials (Procore Drive)
- Disable the Procore Change Reason Pop-up in MS Project
- Integrate a Microsoft Project, Asta or Phoenix Programme using Procore Drive
- Integrate a Primavera P6 Programme using Procore Drive
- Integrate an Asta Powerproject Programme Using Procore Drive
- Update a Microsoft Project, Asta or Phoenix Programme in Procore Drive
- Update a Primavera P6 Programme in Procore Drive
- Procore Drive - Setup Guide
- Procore Drive - Tutorials
- Procore Estimating
- Procore Extracts
- Procore Imports
- Company Admin Tool (Procore Imports)
- Company Directory (Procore Imports)
- Log in to Procore Imports
- Prepare Segment Items for Import to the Procore Imports App
- Prepare Your Data for Import into Procore
- Project Admin Tool (Procore Imports)
- Project Directory (Procore Imports)
- Project Directory - FAQ (Procore Imports)
- Project Directory - User Permissions (Procore Imports)
- Project Directory - Tutorials (Procore Imports)
- Import Contacts into your Project Level Directory Tool (Procore Imports)
- Import Users & Vendors into your Project Level Directory Tool (Procore Imports)
- Prepare Contacts for Import to the Procore Imports App
- Prepare Project Users & Vendors for Import to the Procore Imports App
- Update Users & Vendors in your Project Level Directory Tool (Procore Imports)
- Project Programme (Procore Imports)
- Snag List (Procore Imports)
- Procore Imports - Release Notes
- Procore Imports - Setup Guide
- Submittals (Procore Imports)
- Procore Imports - Videos
- Free Procore Company Account
- References